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Progress of the ESS.VIP ADMIN Special focus on the ESSnet on quality of multiple sources statistics. DIME/ITDG SG, 28.06.2016 Fabrice Gras, unit B1.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress of the ESS.VIP ADMIN Special focus on the ESSnet on quality of multiple sources statistics. DIME/ITDG SG, 28.06.2016 Fabrice Gras, unit B1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress of the ESS.VIP ADMIN Special focus on the ESSnet on quality of multiple sources statistics.
DIME/ITDG SG, Fabrice Gras, unit B1

2 VIP.ADMIN Work packages
Access to and development of administrative data sources Statistical methods Quality measures for statistics using administrative data Eurostat as an (in)direct user of administrative data sources held or designed by the Commission Frames for social statistics Pilot studies and applications Methodological support to Member States

3 ESS.VIP Admin presentation to the WGM:
April 2016: Presentation of the VIP.ADMIN project during the last Working group methodology (WGM). Main outcomes: The WGM took note of the outlined work programme. Agreement on the consultation steps for WP2 and WP7. Under WP7, WGM suggested intervention in the area of Population Register and data integration. Eurostat will ensure that the WGM will be informed about the results of WP3 dealing with quality issues.

4 WP1. Access to data 1.1 Legal and institutional environment in Member States On-going contract Workshop on access to administrative data sources (13- 14/09/2016, Brussels) 1.2 Best practices regarding the relation with data providers Final report 04/2017 1.3 Preparation of long-term EU actions to improve the access to administrative data sources Task Force, possibly supported by a contract Duration:

5 Working package 2- objective
Comprehensive review and presentation of existing estimation methods Guidelines on how to use estimation methods Identification, presentation and sharing of best practices

6 WP2. Statistical methods
Task 2.1.1: Review of theoretical knowledge and current practices Signature and kick-off meeting of the contract in June 2016 Final report due around 03/2017 Task Guidelines for using estimation methods Contract in Q based upon results of first contract. Task 2.2 Combining multiple sources using modeling and estimation methods Practical focus Identification of best practices in MS by statistical domain and by main type of existing administrative source Identify areas for application (including pilot) Contract in 2017

7 WP3. Quality of multisource statistics
Three specific grant agreements (SGA) foreseen under the framework partnership agreement (ESSnet with DK, IE, IT, LT, HU, NL, AT, NO): SGA1: exploratory work and gap analysis, development of some indicators (signed in 2015) SGA2: proposal of a structure of a handbook and development of some chapters, including proper methods and indicators (to be signed in autumn 2016) SGA3: completion of the handbook (to be signed in autumn )

8 WP3. Quality of multisource statistics
On-going first SGA of the ESSnet Task 1: Quality of input data Task 2: Frame Quality Task 3: Quality of statistical output Task 4: Communication, dissemination and implementation

9 WP3. Quality of multisource statistics
Input quality Quality of frames for social statistics Output quality

10 WP3. first SGA Milestones:
January 2016 – first ESSnet meeting April 2016 – workshop on quality aspects of using administrative sources in the production of statistics June 2016: final report for task 1,intermediate report for tasks 2 and 3 and summary document on the workshop. September 2016: intermediate ESSnet meeting. November 2016: Intermediate report for tasks 2 and 3 March 2017: final ESSnet meeting April 2017: Final report for tasks 2 and 3

11 WP3. Focus on the workshop:
Knowledge of the ESSnet – its members and its workplan Presentation of good practices Discussion of the tasks and objectives of the ESSnet Discussion in general on quality Presentations available on the CROS portal at:

12 WP3. The work so far Task 1: A tested and consolidated list of indicators (e.g. accuracy, timeliness, coherence) Task 2: Focus on handling frame error (e.g.coverage error, alignment error, unit error for composite units) Task 3: Quality issues in relation to 7 basic data configurations – based on examples from participating countries

13 WP4. Eurostat as a (in)direct user of administrative data sources held or designed by the EC
Task 4.1 Pilot on using catch reporting data for catch statistics Comparison of DG MARE data with Eurostat data Task 4.2 Pilot on using IACS database for agricultural statistics Three on-going waves of grants First reports received Last reports due 06/2017 Task 4.3 Other pilots Identify a new pilot: 2016; run it

14 WP5. Frames for social statistics
5.1 Report on the availability, kind and development of base registers on persons and buildings (dwellings) and derived frames used in the Member States On-going contract Report 06/2017 5.2 Methodology for the assessment of the quality of frames for social statistics Included in the ESSnet on quality of multisource statistics 5.3 Preparation of long-term EU actions to increase the availability and quality of sustainable frames in the Member States Task Force, possibly supported by a contract Duration:

15 WP6. Pilot studies and applications
A. Yearly waves of grants ( ) 2015: 13 grant agreements First interim reports received First round of final reports: 09/2016 Last final reports: end 2019 May 2016: 13 grant applications currently under evaluation. B. Contracts to improve methodology for using administrative data in chosen areas ( ) 2016: education statistics 2017: morbidity statistics

16 Working package 7- objective
Support Member States in their use of administrative data through the set-up of a methodological helpdesk, and the provision of coaching and training

17 WP7. Methodological support to Member States
Milestones: May 2016: consultation of the ADMIN contact points in Member States on coaching and training needs. June 2016: submission of the new training needs to the ESTP for the year 2017. Q4 2016: launching of a methodological framework contract (setting up of an ADMIN helpdesk, provision of on-site coaching/consultancy in the Member States). June 2017: Update of the training needs of the VIP.ADMIN to the ESTP for the year 2018.

18 Thank you for your attention!
CONTACT: ESS. VIP ADMIN Sorina Vâju (Eurostat): Fabrice Gras – ESSnet on quality of multisource statistics Niels Ploug (Statistics Denmark):

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