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LEAP 2025 Practice Test Webinar
Agenda The agenda for this webinar follows the structure of the Practice Test Quick Start Guide. This guide provides links to resources that will be discussed throughout this presentation. Purpose and Structure of the Practice Tests Practice Test Guidance Online Test Administration Scoring Online Reporting
Practice Test Quick Start Guide
The Practice Test Quick Start Guide provides all of the resources needed to: Access the practice tests and practice test guidance documents Prepare for online administration Score the practice tests Access the computer-based practice test reports
Purpose and Structure
LEAP 2025 Practice Tests Statewide assessments administered in grades 3 through high school include: LEAP 2025 English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies in grades 3-8 English I, English II, Algebra, Geometry, US History, and Biology for high school Full-length practice tests are developed for LEAP 2025 assessments to be used as an instructional tool and not to predict performance on the summative test.
Best First Step Take the practice test yourself; follow time limits, use testing materials, and provide actual responses, especially to items requiring written responses.
LEAP 2025 ELA, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Practice Tests
Teachers may access the computer-based practice tests by using the LEAP 2025 Practice Test Teacher Access link. The user names and passwords shown to the right are available in the Practice Test Quick Start Guide.
How to Use: Content Examine practice test content to
Examine your instructional materials and strategies. Understand how items align to the shifts or goals in instruction. Understand how items require students to apply content knowledge. Understand the variety of ways that standards may be assessed. Compare to purchased and open-source assessments. Guide selection in terms of rigor, approach, and item variety. Examine and use rubrics, scoring notes, and/or scoring guides Better understand expectations for students’ written responses. Plan regular collaborative scoring meetings with colleagues.
How NOT to Use: Content Avoid the following practices:
Prioritizing content Limiting instructional strategies Designing lessons solely around a specific set The following uses of the practice test are strongly discouraged: Using as a data-gathering tool Limiting stimuli, passages, sources, and/or contexts Focusing on superficial concerns in student written responses Focusing only on the qualities of the responses with the highest scores
How to Use: Testing Conditions
Simulate TESTING CONDITIONS to help students feel prepared for actual test administration. Facilitate testing discussions between teachers and students. Discuss timing/pacing, item types, elements of complete responses. Encourage students to answer all questions and complete all parts. Have students practice timing and pacing. Set time limits on some tests, assignments, or tasks. Have students practice with the test mode. CBT (grades 3-HS): Practice typing. Discuss strategic use of tools. PBT (grades 3-4): Practice bubbling responses and writing within response boxes. Encourage students to list skipped questions on scratch paper.
How NOT to Use: Testing Conditions
The following practices are strongly discouraged. Being overly focused on testing time, test prep, and test-taking strategies. Timing all assessments. Administering all sessions within a single day. Altering classroom and/or school schedules to administer the practice tests.
How to Use: Format Examine practice test format to design instructional tasks and assessments that use similar features. Sequence questions in meaningful ways. Build understanding through structure and/or by scaffolding. Incorporate set-based assessments (science and social studies). Incorporate practice test items into instruction. Review previously taught content. Check for understanding of current content. Expand discussions beyond content and correct answers to include skills and strategies for making connections. Incorporate test materials/tools into lessons.
How NOT to Use: Format Avoid the following practices.
Making every classroom assignment and assessment mirror the practice test in items, sets, style, and design. Using sets, CRs, and ERs as the sole measure of necessary content for each topic.
General Information and Resources
LEAP 2025 Practice Tests Access Availability General Information and Resources Teacher Access All Grades and Courses Now Available Google Chrome Browser link for All Teacher Access: Practice Test Quickstart Guide lists usernames One password for all: teach2025 Student Access High School: Now Available in eDIRECT and Practice Test library: answer keys, PBT for grades 3 and 4, all accommodated forms/materials Updated Practice Test Guidance for math, ELA, and social studies New Practice Test Guidance for science Annotated Social Studies Practice Test Items Grades 3-8: January
LEAP 2025 Practice Test Webinars
Who DTCs, STCs, and Supervisors Teachers and Supervisors What Learn general information about reference materials, and test set-up, administration, scoring, and reporting Learn general information about resources, and specific information about best uses and common misuses When The same webinar is offered 3 times in the year: October 3, 2018 at 11:30 am October 16, 2018 at 9:30 am January 9, 2019 at 11:30 am October 3, 2018 at 4:00 pm October 16, 2018 at 3:00 pm January 9, 2019 at 4:00 pm
LEAP 2025 Practice Test Webinars
To Join: DTCs, STCs, and Supervisors Teachers and Supervisors October 3 Telephone: Meeting ID: Meeting ID: October 16 Meeting ID: Meeting ID: January 9 Meeting ID: Meeting ID:
ELA Practice Test Design
Session Contents of Session Practice Test Timing 1 Literary Analysis Task (LAT) by itself (grade 3) LAT with a reading passage set with one text (grades 4-10) 75 minutes (grade 3) 90 minutes (grades 4-10) 2 Research Simulation Task (all grades) 3 Narrative Writing Task (NWT) and a reading passage set with one text (grade 3) NWT and a reading passage set with one text or a pair of related texts (grades 4-8) 4 Reading Literary and Informational Texts with one or two reading passage sets 30* minutes (grades 3-5) 50* minutes (grades 6-10) The practice test contains all three writing tasks. This allows students to practice all types of writing. On the operational test, all students will take only two of the three tasks: the RST and either the LAT or the NWT. *Reduced by 30 minutes because the practice test doesn’t include field-test passage set.
Mathematics Practice Test Design
Grades or Courses Session Calculator Components Practice Test Timing 3 – 5 1 No All Type Tasks 75 minutes 2 70* minutes 3 6 – 8 Type I Tasks 60 minutes Yes 90 minutes 75* minutes Algebra I and Geometry 1a 25 minutes 1b 40* minutes 80 minutes *Reduced by 15 minutes to account for one less constructed response item than the operational test.
Science Practice Test Design
Session Components Practice Test Timing 1 Item Sets and Standalone Items TBD 2 Task Set 3
Social Studies Grades 3 and 4 Operational Test vs. Practice Test
Social Studies Operational Test Design for Grades 3 and 4 Session Components Operational Timing 1 Item Sets and Standalone Items 75 minutes 2 Social Studies Practice Test Design for Grades 3 and 4 Session Components Practice Test Timing 1 Item Sets and Standalone Items 75 minutes 2 1 Item Set and Task 60* minutes 3 60** minutes *Included for teachers who choose to administer as extra. ** Reduced by 15 minutes to account for one less item set than the operational test.
Social Studies Grades 5-8 and US History Practice Test Design
Session Session Components Practice Test Timing 1 Item Sets and Standalones 80 minutes (grade 5, US History) 90 minutes (grades 6-8) 2 Item Set and Task Set 65 minutes 3 65 (grade 5) 75 (grades 6-8) 60 (US History)
Practice Test Guidance
Practice Test Guidance Documents
Practice Test Guidance documents are highlighted in the second section of the Practice Test Quick Start Guide. Guidance documents for social studies, ELA, science and mathematics provide information as to how teachers may better use the 2017 LEAP Practice Tests to support their instructional goals. The guidance documents, located on the Practice Test webpage, include information about: General test structure Recommended uses of the practice tests General cautions Item types Interpreting and using results Resources
LEAP 2025 ELA, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Practice Tests
Paper-Based Practice Tests (PBT) Computer-Based Practice Tests (CBT) Grades 3, 4 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Accommodated Versions Yes Where to Access Practice Test webpage or INSIGHT INSIGHT Answer Key Access Practice Test webpage or eDIRECT
Practice Test Guidance Documents: Resources
The Practice Test Guidance documents also provide several resources to support teachers as they use the practice tests: Links to instructional resources (guidebooks, resource pages, key themes) Links to assessment resources (assessment guides, OTTs, sample items) Scoring activities to establish common expectations for student writing Acceptable and unacceptable ways to grid answers
Practice Test Guidance Documents: Interpreting and Using Results
When scoring student performance on the practice tests, do not make assumptions about a student’s score. Unlike daily assignments, statewide assessments are not scored on a grading scale where, for example, answering 95% of the questions correctly is always an A, nor answering only 40% of the questions correctly is always an F. Consider patterns in student responses (e.g., students struggle with items that require analysis of sources, or students select only one correct answer in multiple-select questions) and adjust instruction accordingly. The guidance documents provide examples of observable patterns along with recommendations on how instruction may be adjusted.
Online Test Administration
LEAP 2025 Practice Test: Test Setup
The third section of the Practice Test Quick Start Guide provides information about test administration. To prepare for the administration of the LEAP Practice Test, districts must complete the following tasks in eDIRECT: Verify accommodations Create test sessions Generate and print test tickets Review resources in eDIRECT Students and accommodations are prepopulated from eSCHOLAR, SER, and SIS.
Test Session Management
Once all students are uploaded to eDIRECT, test sessions must be created. One test session is created within the system for each group of students taking a test. For example, a group of students taking the 3rd grade math test would be grouped into one test session which would generate a test ticket for each student for each part of the test.
Creating and Editing Test Sessions
To create a Test Session, click on Add Session from the Test Session screen. Populate the session details, then click on Find Students. This will display all the available students for the test session, by grade and content area. To add the students to the test session, select the student, then click on the right facing arrow to add the students to the session. Complete the above steps until all students are added to test sessions. Note: For the operational tests, an Upload Multiple Test Sessions option will be available, in additional to creating individual test sessions.
Copying a Test Session An existing test session can be used as a template to create a new test session. For example, you can copy the ELA Practice Test test session to use for the Math Practice Test test session. To copy a test session: From the Manage Test Sessions screen, Choose Show Sessions Select the Copy Session icon
Copying a Test Session The Add Test Session window displays.
Enter a name for the session in the Session Name field. Edit the required information to match your new session, and add or remove students/student groups if necessary. Click Save to save your changes, Save & Add Another to save your changes and add another student, or Cancel to cancel your changes.
Printing Test Tickets and Rosters
School Test Coordinators or Test Administrators must print Test Tickets and Rosters prior to testing session. Test Tickets contain test login information; tests are activated once a student logs in with username and password provided on Test Ticket. Test Administrators must verify that each student has their correct Test Ticket (one ticket needed per content area).
General Scoring Information
The fourth section of the Practice Test Quick Start Guide provides information and links to resources needed to score both the paper- and computer-based practice tests. The way in which practice tests are scored depends upon the mode in which the practice test is administered—either paper-based or computer-based.
General Scoring Information
Item Type Content Area Computer Scored Teacher Scored Selected Response All ✔ Evidence-Based Selected Response (ESR) ELA Technology Enhanced (TE) Short Answer (SA) Math Constructed Response (CR) Social Studies Science Extended Response (ER) Prose Constructed Response (PCR)
General Scoring Information
Paper-based practice tests (PBT) are scored by teachers using an answer key. Answer Keys for both PBT and CBT are located on the Practice Test webpage and in eDIRECT. Note that there are separate answer keys for ELA and mathematics PBT and CBT due to the technology-enhanced items used in the CBT. The test designs for grades 3 and 4 for science and social studies do not include technology-enhanced items, so the same Answer Key is used for both PBT and CBT.
Using eDIRECT to Provide Access to Educator Scoring (CBT)
For the computer-based practice tests, teachers must complete educator scoring. The eDIRECT User Guide provides screenshots and step-by-step directions for: Ending incomplete test sessions Using eDIRECT to give teachers the Educator Scoring permission Viewing test statuses Scoring tests using the Educator Scoring application
Ending Incomplete Test Sessions
Use the End Incomplete Test option when a student is not going to complete a part or a session of a multipart assessment or test. For example: When the students needs to complete only 1 of 2 parts of a test, you can end the test for the part the student will not complete and force a status of “complete” even though certain parts of a test were not administered or taken. To end an incomplete test: From the Test Management tab, Choose Manage Test Sessions and enter criteria to view test sessions Choose Edit/Print Test Ticket Status
Ending Incomplete Test Sessions
Enter your search criteria or select from the drop-down menus. Click Filter to display the results Choose End Incomplete Tests Click End Incomplete Test
Using eDIRECT to Provide Access to Educator Scoring (CBT)
For the computer-based practice tests, the Educator Scoring application is controlled through the Educator Scoring permission. Users with district-level eDIRECT access are assigned the Educator Scoring permission by DRC and then they are responsible for assigning the permission to teachers. From the eDIRECT All Applications menu bar, click User Management to display the User Administration window.
Using eDIRECT to Provide Access to Educator Scoring
2. Using the drop-down menus, select the Practice Test administration and other filters to select the appropriate users, then click Find User.
Using eDIRECT to Provide Access to Educator Scoring
3. When the User Accounts table appears, click the View/Edit icon next to the user to display the Edit User window.
Using eDIRECT to Provide Access to Educator Scoring
4. Click the View/Edit icon to add the Educator Scoring permissions.
Using eDIRECT to Provide Access to Educator Scoring
5. From the Edit Permissions screen, use the arrows to add or remove educator scoring permissions.
Completing Educator Scoring
Once logged into eDIRECT, choose All Applications → Educator Scoring.
Viewing Test Session Status
From the Educator Scoring tab, Select an Administration, District, and Content Area (required) Click Show Sessions
Viewing Test Session Status
Your test sessions, if any, display in the Session Details section. To view all sessions, unclick Show Only Sessions Available/In Progress All test sessions will show along with a test session status. There are 3 possible test statuses: Not Started In Progress Complete
Printing Student Responses
From the Educator Scoring tab, Select an Administration, District, and Content Area (required) Click Show Sessions To batch print responses for all students in a test session: Click the Print Student Responses icon A .pdf of the selected responses displays Click the Print icon to print the responses Batch printing responses must be done before educator scoring has started.
Printing Individual Student Responses
To print responses for an individual student in a test session: Click the Show Students icon
Printing Individual Student Responses
The Scoring Status window displays. Click the Print Student Responses icon A .pdf report of the student’s responses displays. Click the Print icon to print the responses Individual student responses can be printed before or during educator scoring. Once a score has been submitted, responses cannot be printed.
Completing Educator Scoring
When the Score Session or Score Student icons are enabled, you can score student responses for a session or student in Educator Scoring. Note: Printing student responses is not available after you submit score in Educator Scoring. Print responses prior to scoring or submitting scores.
Completing Educator Scoring
From the Educator Scoring tab, Select an Administration, District, and Content Area (required) Click Show Sessions To score all student responses for a session: Click the Score Session icon to score all students in a test session. You will be signed in to Educator Scoring to begin scoring
Completing Educator Scoring
To score responses for specific a specific student in a test session: Click the Show Students icon
Completing Educator Scoring
The Scoring Status window displays. Click the Score Student icon. You will be signed in to Educator Scoring to begin scoring
Completing Educator Scoring
Evaluate the student’s responses and select the appropriate score Click Submit. The next student’s responses display automatically After you have scored all available responses for the test session, Educator Scoring prompts you to log out of the working session To end the scoring session, click Exit Scoring
Resetting Scores To reset scores after Educator Scoring has been submitted: From the Educator Scoring tab, Select an Administration, District, and Content Area (required) Click Show Sessions To reset all student responses for a session: Click the Score Reset icon to score all students in a test session. The Score Reset window displays
Resetting Scores To reset responses for a specific student in a test session: Click the Show Students icon
Resetting Scores The Scoring Status window displays.
Click the Score Reset icon. The Score Reset window displays.
Resetting Scores Select the question(s) for which you want to reset the score and click Score Reset Select Reset Note: Each question with a reset score must be re-scored in Educator Scoring.
Scoring Responses (CBT)
A few general notes about using the Educator Scoring application: Rubrics and scoring guides for constructed- and extended-response items are located in the Answer Key documents. DRC INSIGHT does not need to be installed on the machine used for scoring. Scoring is to be completed using a computer or laptop with Chrome or Internet Explorer 11 installed. Teachers may include comments and other notations on student responses while scoring.
Reporting The final section of the Practice Test Quick Start Guide focuses on reporting. Two item-level report types will be available to schools and districts this year from the practice test administration within 24 hours of test completion. Points awarded to items that are scored by the teacher will be added to the reports no later than 24 hours after the teacher completes the scoring process. Student Response Map Test Session Response Map A final data file (csv) will be available at the end of the testing period.
Accessing Reports The eDIRECT User Guide explains how to access the computer-based test reports in eDIRECT and gives an explanation of the reports provided. All reports are available under the Reports Delivery tab.
Practice Test Reporting-Student Report
The Student Response Map provides information about: Item type Subclaim (ELA)/Standard (Math) Correct response for auto-scored items Actual student response for auto-scored items Points possible for items Points awarded to items
Test Session Response Maps
The practice tests were not designed to provide summary data. The test session response maps will provide item-specific data as reported on diagnostic and interim assessments. The cells in this column will be empty.
Interactive Reporting
The new Interactive Reporting is a tool for teachers to view student response data and item responses for all students within a test session. Permissions must be added to give access to Interactive Reporting. Permissions can be added through the User Management tab in eDIRECT. In order to view student responses through Interactive Reporting, the teacher must be the assigned TA for the test session.
Interactive Reporting
To access Interactive Reporting: Login to eDIRECT and select the Interactive Reporting tab under All Applications Select Response Lookup to access student testing data and item responses
Interactive Reporting
Interactive Reporting uses filters to narrow down the displayed results. The page will update the displayed results as you select filters.
Interactive Reporting: Response Lookup
The Response Lookup report allows you to display student responses and other testing information from the current year’s administrations. The Response Lookup section displays test score data, such as Test Points Earned and Test Points Possible. The Response Lookup report can be downloaded as an Excel, CSV, or PDF document.
Interactive Reporting: Response Lookup Detail
The Response Lookup Detail displays item type and item points detail, and allows you to display the student’s response and the correct item response. Teachers / Test Administrators can display responses for the students in their test sessions only. The Response Lookup Detail can be downloaded as an Excel, CSV, or PDF document.
Interactive Reporting: Response Lookup Detail
In the Response Lookup Detail section, scroll to the far right to display a student’s response to a test item. Either the student’s answer displays or a reference to the Details Link column displays. Click Details to display the student’s response for the item in a new browser window; Click Next to view the correct answer for items
Cautions Around Interpreting Results
Not intended to predict student performance on the summative tests Not inclusive of all content covered by the Louisiana Student Standards Do not make assumptions about a student’s score (i.e., 70% equals a D).
Using Results Look for Patterns in Student Performance
Responses that indicate gaps in content knowledge or skills Difficulty with items that require analysis of sources or stimuli Selection of only one correct answer for multiple-select item Difficulty analyzing and/or evaluating stimuli, sources, and/or demonstrating understanding of content knowledge Inability to complete sessions within the time allowed Skipping of difficult questions with intentions to return, but experiencing difficulty finding all skipped questions on review The Practice Test Guidance documents provide recommendations for teachers if they observe any of the patterns listed above as well as other content-specific patterns.
Collaborative Scoring
Use the Scoring Activity in the Practice Test Guidance documents to: establish common expectations for students’ writing, learn to use a writing rubric and identify qualities of writing that meet standards, reveal grade-specific expectations in a school, and learn about and discuss different approaches that can improve instruction.
Next Steps
Next Steps Access the Practice Test Quick Start Guide
Complete the necessary test setup tasks in eDIRECT (i.e., user management, student uploads, etc). Determine how you will communicate with schools about the purpose and administration of the Practice Test. Ensure teachers are made aware of and use the Practice Test Guidance Share the resources and tools needed to administer practice test. Encourage teachers to view the Practice Test Webinar for Teachers. if you have additional questions.
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