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Presentation on theme: "ORANGE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT"— Presentation transcript:

nd INTERIM REPORT March 8, 2018

2 Budget Calendar June 8, Board of Trustees Adopts Proposed Budget June 30, 2017 – State adoption of budget September 14, 2017 – Unaudited Actuals & Revised Budget December 7, 2017 – First Interim Report to Board for Approval January 2018 – Governor’s Projected Budget for Released March 2018 – Second Interim Report to Board for Approval May Governor’s “May Revise” 2

3 Major Items Affecting the Budget
Declining Enrollment-2.28% CalSTRS and CalPERS Employer Contributions ADA 564 663 CalSTRS 14.43% 16.28% 18.13% CalPERS 15.53% 17.70% 20.00% 3

4 District Contributions to CalSTRS and CalPERS

5 Governor’s Proposal for 2018-19 Budget
Proposition 98 funding of $78.3 billion An average increase of $465 per pupil (supplemental/concentration and base) over the level provided in District’s Increase to Base $ per pupil Full funding of the Local Control Funding Formula- Two years ahead of the initial implementation timeline District’s Target Funding has dropped $4.2 million since Funding of 2.51% COLA Including: Special Education Child Nutrition Preschool 5

6 Multi-Year Projections: Before Budget Reductions
REVENUES 287,162,648 284,775,012 284,557,231 284,559,745 EXPENDITURES 297,958,026 295,078,638 301,212,321 304,431,907 CSEA Tentative Agreement 133,172 266,344 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AS ADJUSTED 289,091,198 295,344,982 301,478,665 304,698,251 INC/DEC IN FUND BALANCE (10,928,550) (10,569,970) (16,921,434) (20,138,506) BEGINNING BALANCE 62,965,570 52,037,020 41,467,050 24,545,616 PROJECTED ENDING BALANCE 4,407,110 Adjustment to Ending Fund Balance Stores, Revolving Cash and Carryover (334,295) Reserve for STRS and PERS Increases (9,305,476) (5,959,895) (2,509,328) (1,127,261) 3% State Required Contingency (8,942,736) (8,860,349) (9,044,360) (9,140,948) Unappropriated Fund Balance 33,454,513 26,312,511 12,657,633 (6,195,394) 6

7 Budget Reductions: Level 1 and 2

8 Multi-Year Projections: After Budget Reductions
REVENUES 287,162,648 284,775,012 284,557,231 284,559,745 Identified Potential Sources of Revenues 250,000 One-Time Mandated Reimbursement 7,298,999 TOTAL REVENUES AS ADJUSTED 292,324,011 284,807,231 284,809,745 EXPENDITURES 297,958,026 295,078,638 301,212,321 304,431,907 CSEA Tentative Agreement 133,172 266,344 One-Time Expenses (Textbooks, Computers, Buses) 5,424,772 1,874,227 Identified Potential Budget Reductions (3,035,413) (3,066,127) (3,079,542) TOTAL EXPENDITURES AS ADJUSTED 298,091,198 292,309,569 303,837,310 303,492,936 INC/DEC IN FUND BALANCE (10,928,550) 14,442 (19,030,079) (18,683,191) BEGINNING BALANCE 62,965,570 52,037,020 52,051,462 33,021,383 PROJECTED ENDING BALANCE 14,338,192 Adjustment to Ending Fund Balance Stores, Revolving Cash and Carryover (334,295) Reserve for STRS and PERS Increases (9,305,476) (5,959,895) (2,509,328) (1,127,261) 3% State Required Contingency (8,942,736) (8,769,287) (9,115,119) (9,104,788) Unappropriated Fund Balance 33,454,513 36,987,985 21,062,641 3,771,848 8

9 Planning Ahead The Governor’s Budget Proposal provides additional funding for LCAP but not proportionally for all Districts or programs There is insufficient new funds in the Base to support “restoration” from levels ongoing LEAs must be prepared to make decisions based on Local Factors: LCAP process Enrollment Reserve levels Local Priorities Enrollment Forecasts and budgets are starting to be developed for next fiscal year Implementation of budget reductions including conferences, overtime etc. Special Education has expanded the inclusion program Discussions have centered around providing additional High-Quality instructional programs Additional CTE Pathways are being planned It will be important to have flexible plans in place, as change is inevitable Additional accountability on use of Supplemental/Concentration Funds 9

10 Next Steps Anticipate Adoption of LCAP in May 2018
“May Revise” will contain the actual assumptions which must support budget Balanced budget must be adopted by district prior to June 30, 2018 We will not know the level of funding until State Adopts their budget Once the State Budget is adopted, the district makes adjustments to its budget 10


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