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OPSCOM-2 METERON Experiment. OPSCOM-1 Experiment.

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Presentation on theme: "OPSCOM-2 METERON Experiment. OPSCOM-1 Experiment."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPSCOM-2 METERON Experiment


3 OPSCOM-1 Experiment

4 DTN-Laptop Setup for OPSCOM-1 PEHB RIC TO/FROM PL MDM TO/FROM PEHG RACK UIP (COL) (TBD) EXPRESS RACK 1 (USL) LOCAL BUS PL-2,PL-APM LAN-2 CGBA4 PL LAN-0 DTN: Delay Tolerant Network LAN: Local Area Network MDM: Multiplexer/Demultiplexer PEHB: Payload Ethernet Hub Bridge PEHG: Payload Ethernet Hub Gateway PL: Payload UIP: Utility Interface Panel UIP J47 DTN LAPTOP POWER SUPPLY 120VDC 1553 packets LAN Downlink Packets LAN Rack-Rack Packets LAN (RIC) TCP/IP Packets PEHB RIC PL EXPRESS RACK 2 (USL) Reforwarded RIC TCP/IP Packets CGBA5 LAN-0 4

5 OPSCOM-1 Notes Experiment was performed using CGBA as a proxy onboard to route traffic to the METERON laptop Cu-Boulders ground site was also used to proxy DTN traffic to ESA – No ACS was used for this experiment – Custody Transfer was not used for this experiment

6 OPSCOM-2 Approach

7 Proposed DTN-Laptop Setup for OPSCOM-2 TO/FROM PL MDM TO/FROM PEHG LOCAL BUS PL-2,PL-APM LAN-2 DTN: Delay Tolerant Network LAN: Local Area Network MDM: Multiplexer/Demultiplexer PEHB: Payload Ethernet Hub Bridge PEHG: Payload Ethernet Hub Gateway PL: Payload UIP: Utility Interface Panel DTN LAPTOP POWER SUPPLY 120VDC 1553 packets LAN Downlink Packets LAN Rack-Rack Packets LAN (RIC) TCP/IP Packets PEHB RIC LAN-0 7

8 METERON Laptop Configuration OPSCOM-2 will be executed in 3 rd annual quarter 2014 – Custody Transfer will be enabled – ACS will also be used for this experiment The METERON ISS Laptop will need to be reconfigured to route directly to HOSC DTN Node – ESA has access to this load and will make the configation changes for the onboard laptop – ESA will also need to make similar configuration changes to the DTN node located at B.USOC – MSFC will make the necessary database modification to route the redefined ESA bundles and data appropriately – MSFC will provide ESA with a Payload Rack Checkout Unit (PRCU) to verify the changes in a high fidelity test environment

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