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Art Of the Olympians Museum

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Presentation on theme: "Art Of the Olympians Museum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Art Of the Olympians Museum

2 Learning about Discuss Art and the museum founder Al Orter.

3 Learning about … Emanuela Perentozzi’s sculptures.

4 Listening to the history, philosophy, and rules of the museum.

5 Excellence in all we do is a priority for all Olympians.

6 A bust of Al Orter, made of brass.

7 The Olympic Flag has 5 colors representing the continents.

8 The colors represent… Blue – Europe Yellow – Asia Green – Australia
Black - Africa Red – The Americas: South America/ North America

9 Watching a video about the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, and its new mascot. Teamwork is very important.

10 Quiz:What colors represent the continents?

11 Holding a shot putt.

12 Evan flies through the air during our long jump activity…5feet 7inches!

13 Wow! That was far!

14 Joseph lands at 4feet 11inches!

15 Ms. Gina helps us learn about the importance of kindness, excellence and doing your very best.

16 How will we be excellent?

17 Making a pledge to do our best.

18 Later we did our best on our expressive art activity.

19 Bob Beamen held the Olympic long jump record at 29feet, 2 and ½ inches!

20 He greeted us kindly and wished us well on our journey in school.

21 We learned about doing our personal best, and how we can explore our creativity.

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