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Jeopardy Punnett Squares Mendel Meiosis Key Terms Grab Bag Q $100

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Punnett Squares Mendel Meiosis Key Terms Grab Bag Q $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Punnett Squares Mendel Meiosis Key Terms Grab Bag Q $100
Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Mendel What organism did Mendel work
with in order to study heredity?

3 $100 Answer from Mendel Peas

4 $200 Question from Mendel What are genes?

5 $200 Answer from Mendel Genes are individual factors that
control heredity.

6 $300 Question from Mendel What are the different forms of
genes called?

7 $300 Answer from Mendel Alleles

8 $400 Question from Mendel During segregation what occurs?

9 $400 Answer from Mendel During segregation alleles for the
same trait are separated.

10 $500 Question from Mendel Mrs. Johnson is homozygous for
brown hair (BB) and her husband is homozygous for blonde hair (bb). What would you call their offspring? (You need BOTH terms)

11 $500 Answer from Mendel Heterozygous / Hybrids

12 $100 Question from Meiosis
What occurs during meiosis?

13 $100 Answer from Meiosis The number of chromosomes are
reduced and gametes are formed.

14 $200 Question from Meiosis
How many gametes are formed from one cycle of meiosis in a male?

15 $200 Answer from Meiosis 4 sperm

16 $300 Question from Meiosis
In females what is the name and purpose of the 3 sacrificed cells that result from meiosis?

17 $300 Answer from Meiosis Polar bodies

18 $400 Question from Meiosis
What does diploid mean?

19 $400 Answer from Meiosis A cell that contains both sets of
homologous chromosomes.

20 $500 Question from Meiosis
How is meiosis different from Mitosis?

21 $500 Answer from Meiosis In mitosis you end up with 2 identical cells.
In meiosis you end up with 4 genetically different sperm, or 1 genetically different egg (different from other egg cells).

22 $100 Question from Key Terms
What two words mean different?

23 $100 Answer from Key Terms Heterozygous & Hybrid

24 $200 Question from Key Terms
What are alleles and what are the 2 forms they can come in?

25 $200 Answer from Key Terms Alleles are different forms of genes
and they can be dominant or recessive.

26 $300 Question from Key Terms
What do diploid and haploid mean?

27 $300 Answer from Key Terms Diploid means the cell contains both
sets of chromosomes. Haploid means the cell contains a single set of chromosomes.

28 $400 Question from Key Terms
Two organisms are heterozygous for two traits. How many possible genotypes can be expressed by their offspring?

29 $400 Answer from Key Terms 9

30 $500 Question from Key Terms
During meiosis what process occurs and results in lots of genetic variation in the gametes?

31 $500 Answer from Key Terms Crossing over

32 $100 Question from Punnett Squares
What is the purpose of Punnett Squares?

33 $100 Answer from Punnett Squares
To show the probability of a cross.

34 $200 Question for Punnett Squares
If you cross two hybrids what is the phenotypic ratio of the offspring?

35 $200 Answer from Punnett Squares

36 $300 Question from Punnett Squares
When is a test cross used?

37 $300 Answer from Punnett Squares
To find out the genotype of an unknown organism that is showing a dominant trait.

38 $400 Question from Punnett Squares
If an animal with the genotype BBaa is crossed with bbaa what is the genotypic probability of their offspring?

39 $400 Answer from Punnett Squares
100% Bbaa

40 $500 Question from Punnett Squares
In a 2 trait cross, what type of parents will produce a 9:3:3:1 ratio of offspring?

41 $500 Answer from Punnett Squares
Both parents must be heterozygous for both traits.

42 $100 Question from Meiosis II
In what two organs does meiosis occur?

43 $100 Answer from Meiosis II
Ovaries and Testes

44 $200 Question from Meiosis II
How many new cells are formed and how many chromosomes are present at the end of meiosis?

45 $200 Answer from Meiosis II
4 haploid cells

46 $300 Question from Meiosis II
An organism has 60 chromosomes in their somatic cells. How many chromosomes would be in their gametes?

47 $300 Answer from Meiosis II

48 $400 Question from Meiosis II
Down syndrome is an example of what?

49 $400 Answer from Meiosis II

50 $500 Question from Meiosis II
3 reasons why Mendel chose the pea plant

51 $500 Answer from Meiosis II
No blending of traits Quick reproductive cycle Easy to pollinate

52 Final Jeopardy Mendel’s law of segregation states…

53 Final Jeopardy Answer each pair of genes segregates or separates during meiosis. Result – half of an organism’s gametes contain one gene from a homologous chromosome, and half of the gametes contain the other gene.

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