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May 25, 2010 What is a phylogenetic tree?

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Presentation on theme: "May 25, 2010 What is a phylogenetic tree?"— Presentation transcript:

1 May 25, 2010 What is a phylogenetic tree?
2. Do you think your tree is exactly the same as the person next to you? Why or why not?

2 Rhesus Gorilla Chimp Gibbon Lemur Orangutan Spider Squirrel

3 similarities and differences in
Comparative Anatomy Evidence #2 similarities and differences in anatomy of organisms

4 Body parts with similar structure but different functions
Likely inherited from a common ancestor

5 5

6 structures that may have use in ancestor, but are no longer needed


8 Possible Human Vestigial Structures
Appendix Tail Wisdom Teeth Ear Wiggling muscles Cormorant Cassiopea Project

9 Structures with the same function, but different structure
Not inherited from common ancestor Develop due to similar environment/need

10 Embryology study of developing embryos
Homologous structures appear in embryos that don’t appear in adults. suggest common ancestor

11 Comparative Embryology
Look at the picture  of the fish, reptile, bird, and mammal embryos.  Do you see the similarities that exist? 

12 What is an EMBRYO? - a multicellular eukaryote in its earliest stage of development (fertilization until birth) -In humans, it is called an embryo from the moment of fertilization until the end of the 8th week, where after it is instead called a fetus. Cassiopea Project


14 This embryo is about five weeks old.

15 7 weeks

16 8 weeks human embryo

17 9-Week Human Fetus



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