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How does natural behaviour help us to survive?

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Presentation on theme: "How does natural behaviour help us to survive?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How does natural behaviour help us to survive?
B6 – The Brain and Mind How does natural behaviour help us to survive? Starter: Make a list of innate behaviours and behaviours you have to think about doing.

2 Learning outcomes explain how simple reflexes help organisms survive
investigate how an organism responds to simple stimuli describe and explain simple reflexes in humans

3 What do these little fellas need to survive?

4 How does their behaviour enable them to get the following?
Mate Food Nice dark, damp shelter What is wrong with this picture?

5 Look at the organisms on the sheet
Look at the organisms on the sheet. Use information around you to explain what their involuntary behaviours are.

6 Simple Reflexes in Newborns:. 1. Name the reflexes. 2
Simple Reflexes in Newborns: 1. Name the reflexes Explain the stimulus that causes the reflex. 3. Explain why the response is important Reflex: Stimulus: Reflex: Stimulus: Reflex: Stimulus: Reflex: Stimulus: Reflex: Stimulus: Reflex: Stimulus:

7 Simple Reflexes in Newborns:. 1. Name the reflexes. 2
Simple Reflexes in Newborns: 1. Name the reflexes Explain the stimulus that causes the reflex. 3. Explain why the response is important Reflex: Grasping Stimulus: Importance: Reflex: Startle Stimulus: Importance: Reflex: Walking Stimulus: Importance Reflex: Hold breath and move arms and legs. Stimulus: Importance: Reflex: Rooting Stimulus: Importance Reflex: Sucking Stimulus: Importance:

8 Can you name any adult reflex (innate) reactions?

9 The knee jerk reflex makes your thigh muscle contract, so your leg straightens. Doctors may test this reflex when you have a health check. Try standing still with your eyes closed. You will notice this reflex helping you to balance. Sheila Terry/Science Photo Library

10 Compare the reflex responses of adult and baby humans
Compare the reflex responses of adult and baby humans. Explain why these differences are necessary. (6 marks) First: Complete the key word mix and match exercise. Use this to help you decide where do the 6 marks come from?

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