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Writing Process Notes 8J English 2016-2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Process Notes 8J English 2016-2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Process Notes 8J English

2 Introduction The writing process is complex and very personal
Some writers have use different processes depending on what the purpose of their writing is There are, however, some basics that apply to all writing The best writers spend years developing a strong process that works for them They experiment, move, evaluate, and repeat until they know what works

3 Setting Up Be Comfortable Reduce Other Distractions
Wears clothes that help you relax Give yourself water and a light snack if you plan to be there for a while Find a quiet place that inspires you to work Remember: You are there to WRITE Reduce Other Distractions TURN OFF YOUR PHONE Even vibration will interrupt the writing process Do not play visual distractions (TV, Youtube)

4 Planning/Brainstorming
Create a timeline for your work For the most part, your teachers will do this for you with deadlines Set up a calendar so you can SEE when the work needs to be finished Setting goals for long assignments helps ensure that the words get written with ample time for revision

5 Planning/Brainstorming
Selecting a Subject Choose something that in interesting AND meets the goals of the assignment Find something current If nothing has been discovered/written about the subject in a decade, finding new and interesting information may be difficult

6 Planning/Brainstorming
Create an outline Your outline will show you what information you need to collect and structure your work IMPORTANT: Your outline is not the final authority on your work; it is changeable Check back to your outline regularly to avoid missing sections of your writing

7 Research Avoid using Wikipedia as a primary source
However, it can be an amazing way to get to primary sources Check all sources for bias/credibility before using them Keep records of your sources to make your bibliography later Create an Easybib record as you go, if possible, for research papers

8 Drafting For research writing, it may be easier to write the body of your work BEFORE the introduction and conclusion JUST WRITE The hardest part of writing for many is just getting the initial works down, worry about editing during the revision step Stay motivated; do not get discouraged if you are struggling Take breaks as needed

9 Revise Start with major structure changes Proofreading Peer-Editing
Moving/deleting entire sections happens; don’t let it discourage you from finishing the work Proofreading Read through your work, aloud if possible, to check the wording of each sentence Peer-Editing Find an editor that you can work with to polish your writing Repeat as needed

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