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Please grab a TKM book off the back cabinets

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Presentation on theme: "Please grab a TKM book off the back cabinets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please grab a TKM book off the back cabinets
Please grab a TKM book off the back cabinets. On the card, please record your name. If there is no card, please let me know.

2 Today’s Agenda 4/3/14 To Kill a Mockingbird begins
Introduction to setting Reading of chapter 1

3 To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Published in 1960 Takes place (setting) in the early 1930s Quick write: Based on these dates, what comments can you make about the author’s purpose for writing?

4 Beginning a reading log:
Make inferences about the setting through the analysis of dialogue and description. Beginning a reading log: Everything needs to be kept together for TKM. So, dedicate some space somewhere. As you read chapter 1: Keep track of all the things you learn about the community of Maycomb, AL.

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