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Systematic Approach

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1 Systematic Approach http://www.chowgule/jsp/departments/library_website/homepage.jsp

2 In this workshop we will look at.. Different types of resources Developing an effective search strategy Using library resources to find information Evaluating information

3 Thinking about resources

4 Books What are they: A written or printed work of fiction or fact. May be electronic. Good for: Clear overview Not so good for: Up to date information

5 Web page What are they: An information resource which can be easily created by anyone on any topic. Electronic. Good for: Very up to date information Not so good for: Accurate and reliable information

6 Newspaper What are they: A regular publication containing current events, informative articles, diverse features and advertising. May be electronic. Good for: Daily information Not so good for: Balanced and well researched information

7 Journal What are they: A regular publication containing articles on a particular academic subject. Presents new research. Good for: Latest research, critically reviewed by experts Not so good for: Broad overview of a subject

8 Popular (trade) journal What are they: A regular publication containing new products plus information for a business sector. Good for: Latest product news Not so good for: Detailed and objective reports

9 Library Subject Guides http://www.chowgule/jsp/departments/library_website/homepage.jsp

10 Thinking about keywords

11 The real thing: Coursework 4 for CMT1300 Interactive project - MyPoster, MyBook, MyMail, MyPhone or MyTicket including concept, user requirements, design principles, prototype, evaluation, and implementation. Keywords Alternative keywords More specific keywords Related subjects

12 Finding resources http://www.chowgule/jsp/departments/library_website/homepage.jsp Select Summon and search for information for your Interactive project

13 Refining your search

14 Narrow search eg. interaction AND design Widen search eg. USA OR America Exclude words eg. Computer games NOT video Search for phrases eg. human computer interaction Broaden search eg. comput* (finds computer, computing, computerization, computers etc) Find different spellings eg. organi?ation (finds organisation and organization) Include/exclude terms eg. +iPhone -Amazon

15 Evaluating information Imagine you are writing an essay on Network Security. Have a look at the 4 items that you have been given and consider the following: Which items are the most relevant to your essay? Which items would be no use? Which item has the most academic authority? Are any of the items bias? Which item is the most current?

16 Authority : Who is the author? What is their knowledge base/qualifications? How have they carried out their research? Relevance : Is this what I need? Will it answer my question? Is it at the right level? Intent : What is the purpose of information e.g. financial gain, propaganda, academic etc? Objectivity : Balanced view? Opposing views represented? Links to supporting information? Currency: How old is this information? When was it last updated and by whom?

17 What next? http://www.chowgule/jsp/departments/library_website/homepage.jsp

18 Keeping Current Facebook Learning Resources center Chowgule College App

19 Need further help? Your Librarian is : M.P. Shivalli, Ph.D.

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