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Our inspiration. Our inspiration Dyad Experience.

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2 Our inspiration

3 Dyad Experience

4 Why are we dressed like superheroes?
Superheroes wear special clothes We wanted to be superheroes for the day In order to bring out our superhero personas and enhance our dyad experience, it was necessary to unveil our superhero costumes. We wanted to make people smile

5 Things we accomplished
Self care Cleaning the community Broadened our perspectives Strengthened interpersonal skills Developed an appreciation for each other Had fun! Made people’s days

6 Self care Took a break from school Got outside Released stress
Exercise Laughed…a lot Affirmed by people in the community

7 Cleaning the community
Collected trash Increased our awareness of the community’s needs Inspired the community “The Cold Within” (Kinney, J. P. As cited in Zaiss, 2002)

8 Broadened our perspectives
“A Process” goals (Irish, B. & Jancola, C., 2010)

9 Strengthened interpersonal skills by:
Smiling Humoring the community Working toward a common goal Coordinating schedules Agreeing an activity Communicating (Zaiss, 2002) Bringing people together Uniting small and large systems

10 Developed an appreciation for each other
“It seems to me that few people express appreciation and acknowledgment on a frequent basis. As a result, most of us do not feel appreciated for what we provide the people around us, at work and at home” (Zaiss, 2002, p. 75).

11 Had fun! We got to: Be creative Be goofy Laugh
Enjoy each other’s company Enjoy the sunshine

12 What did we learn?

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