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Comparing Bird Adaptations

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Presentation on theme: "Comparing Bird Adaptations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparing Bird Adaptations

2 Great Blue Heron Eats small fish

3 Woodpecker Eats insects and tree sap

4 Cardinal Eats seeds

5 Great Horned Owl Eats small to medium sized mammals

6 Common Snipe Eats insects, earthworms, and some plants

7 Osprey Eats fish and wetland mammals (rodents( and reptiles (lizards and salamanders)

8 Ostrich Eats shrubs, seeds, grass

9 Humming Bird Feeds on nectar of plants and some eats insects and spiders for protein

10 Purple Martin Eats insects

11 Pelican Eats fish, amphibians, crustaceans, and smaller birds

12 Mallard Duck Eats seeds, nuts, fruit, plants, tadpoles, insects, small fish

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