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Soil and Water Essay 2017-18.

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Presentation on theme: "Soil and Water Essay 2017-18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soil and Water Essay

2 Day 1 Take a stance either FOR or AGAINST one of the proposals for several hundred acres of undeveloped land left to a large community along the coast. Build a Mall Build a large golf course Lease the land to used for Grazing of Animals

3 Day 1 School Winners 1st Place: $50.00 2nd Place: $35.00
3rd Place: $25.00 District Winners 1st Place: $250.00 2nd Place: $150.00 3rd Place: $100.00

4 You have until tomorrow to decide what land use you want to choose.
You also need to decide whether you are for against the land use. Discuss the project with your parents and ask their opinions on what they would do. You will be researching and writing your paper in Science and ELA but PLEASE use time on your own to research as well.

5 Nature Works-To Make Clean Water
Use this video to answer the questions on your worksheet. You will be able to reference this source in your research paper.

6 Day 2: Let the research begin...
Use the link on google classroom to access the links you will need. Remember: today we are searching for 5 or more pros of the land use. Also keep an eye out for impacts on the watershed. Record your information on your graphic organizer.

7 Day 3: Still looking... Use the link on google classroom to access the links you will need. Remember: today we are searching for 5 or more cons of the land use. Also keep an eye out for impacts on the watershed. Record your information on your graphic organizer.

8 Day 4: $$$$$$$$$ Remember: today we are searching for 5 or more economic advantages or disadvantages of the land use. Also search for 5 or more ways you can protect the watershed. Record your information on your graphic organizer.

9 Day 5: Finish up! Any last minute additions?
Are you missing any information? Have you noted all your sources/citations? Did your teacher sign off on your packet?

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