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What is evolution? EVOLUTION is the process in which a species gradually changes over time.

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Presentation on theme: "What is evolution? EVOLUTION is the process in which a species gradually changes over time."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is evolution? EVOLUTION is the process in which a species gradually changes over time.


4 Who is Charles Darwin? Developed the THEORY OF EVOLUTION by natural selection He was born in England in 1809 He went on a 5 year journey where he observed living organisms and fossils He wrote The Voyage of the Beagle about his observations on the ship the HMS Beagle

5 What did Darwin find in the Galapagos Islands?

6 4 Principles of Natural Selection:
VARIATION: in a species, there are differences in traits. ADAPTATION: an inherited trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce.

7 4 Principles of Natural Selection:
OVERPRODUCTION: too many offspring = competition for resources! SELECTION: beneficial traits will be passed to future generations. (NATURE selects the good traits!)

8 Darwin’s Finches

9 Think….Pair….SHARE What variations did you see in the finches (birds)?
Why do they have these variations? Do these variations help them to adapt to their environment? Why? How?

10 What is Natural Selection?
NATURAL SELECTION is the process where organisms that inherit beneficial traits tend to reproduce more successfully than other organisms. THINK: *survival of the fittest

11 Natural Selection

12 Natural Selection - The bird here likes to eat white beetles
- There are variations in the beetle population where some beetles are dark. The dark beetles possess a beneficial mutation and will have a higher frequency in population over time than white beetles!

13 Natural Selection in Peppered Moths
(Light and Dark) A change in the environment led to darker trees. Which one is less visable? The light or dark moth?

14 Ask yourself… Which type of moth do you think is selected AGAINST?

15 Peppered Moths Due to the environmental, or natural, changes the dark moth population increased and the light colored moth population decreased = NATURAL SELECTION

16 IT’S YOUR TURN! Create a concept map to link together the following

17 ANY VOLUNTEERS? Raise your hand to be called on.
Come to the board and present your map to the class!

18 Connect the dots… Complete the chart on page 373 of your textbook on Natural Selection. Tape this chart onto IJ page 22

19 Citations

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