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Blade Runner Context.

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Presentation on theme: "Blade Runner Context."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blade Runner Context

2 Post-modernism Neo-noir references Hybridisation
Cyberpunk ethic (before the term was invented) Bricolage Style matches content Hyperreality Ambiguity Depiction of late capitalism

3 Auteur characteristics
Director’s cut – establishes director’s vision as ideal Consistency of style across Scott’s other films Undermining of mainstream sci-fi genre expectations

4 Hollywood mainstream Imposition by the studio of the initial ‘happy ending’ and voiceover to explain the narrative Initial box office failure Casting of a mainstream star

5 Environmental concerns
Pollution Overpopulation Loss of traditional communities

6 Political concerns Excessive corporate power
Police represented as corrupt? Fear for loss of national identity through globalisation (Are these themes also present in Scott’s Alien?)

7 Gender representations
Masculinity as construct? Femininity as construct? Challenge to patriarchy? Male violence Challenging notions of heroism?

8 Literary influences Philip K Dick Frankenstein Paradise Lost
Greek drama Cinematic references: Metropolis (1927)

9 With reference to specific examples, how does Blade Runner reflect the context of its production?

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