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Fuzzing for logic and state issues

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1 Fuzzing for logic and state issues
Gödel's Gourd Fuzzing for logic and state issues

2 Introductions Michael Eddington
CTO and Principal Déjà vu Security 12+ years in security consulting Senior developer/architect in prior life Author of Peach, an open source fuzzer Device, Kernel, User, Web, Network

3 DARPA Cyber Fast track Thanks Mudge!

4 Defining the Problem Fuzzers are good at findings implementation issues …that crash the target …that are generically detectable (sqli, xss) Not good at finding design, logic, and state issues …that do not crash the target …that are not generically detectable

5 Examples Buffer Overflows Memory Corruption Resource Usage
Easy Hard Buffer Overflows Memory Corruption Resource Usage SQL Injection Missing authentication State corruption Incorrect logic

6 Authentication Examples
Out of 100 admin pages, 5 are missing authentication Microsoft SSPI skip a step auth bypass OpenBSD IPSEC incorrect if/then logic

7 Authentication – Detect
Web – Missing Auth Trigger Request page w/o logging in MS SSPI/OBSD IPSEC Skip a step Status Code (200/403) What pages require auth Result (Pass) Did we complete all steps

8 Logic Example Windows 95 SMB Flaw
Logic error in password checking code Length of loop determined by client input Modified SMB client, ~32 attemps always wins We never throw an exception or crash Typical generic fuzzer will never find this

9 Logic – Win95 SMB bool CheckPw( int userdata_len, char* userdata, int sysdata_len, char* sysdata ) { for(int i=0; i<userdata_len; i++) if(userdata[i] != sysdata[i]) return false; return true; }

10 Logic – Detect Win 95 SMB Trigger Result Does password match
Try all chars Remove NULL Result Does password match

11 State Example Device (phone/tablet/laptop) with theft system
Agent “heartbeats” to server Server can trigger “stolen” mode in laptop Laptop will trigger if unable to “heartbeat” Timer/counter runs down

12 State – Detect System Server Trigger Can we perform state flow?
Cause exception Flow locked Unable to heartbeat Can we perform state flow? Check result of each step

13 How to detect? Goal – Modify existing fuzzer to detect these issues
We already produce triggers How do we add detection?

14 How to detect? What do we need to detect these issues?
Provide system constraints If not authenticated result is 402 If steps 1, 2, and 3 not performed step 4 is error Result is never 500 Verify we are still working Perform state flow w/o mutations

15 Proposed Solution Gödel's Gourd Re-use Peach fuzzing engine
Mutation engine Fault detection/reporting Constraint language Control iterations (non mutation iterations) Mutate state model (skip, order, etc.)

16 Control Iterations Goal: Verify target is working correctly
No mutations Constraints pass State model is followed Matches recorded control iteration

17 How it works R – Record iteration 1 – Fuzzing iteration
C – Control iteration 2 – Fuzzing Iteration 3 – Fuzzing iteration Remember all states/actions from record iteration Verify on control iterations Control iterations every N fuzzing iterations

18 Outcome If control does not match record – throw fault
Identify conditions that stop normal operation

19 Constraints Verify logic via simple constraint expressions
Apply constraints to state model State Action Does not modify fuzzer state

20 Language Options Existing Traditional Languages Pro Cons Well known
JavaScript Python Ruby etc. Pro Well known Available via .NET scripting interface Cons Allows modification of fuzzer state.

21 Other Options Domain Specific Language (DSL) Use existing
Create our own Pros Meet all requirements Cons Must implement Not well known

22 DSL Selection Object Constraint Language (OCL)
Specification language, no side effects Developed as part of new UML standards Familiar syntax Relatively easy to implement

23 Object Constraint Language (OCL)
Expression types Invariant (inv) Always true Pre (pre) Evaluated before [ something ] Post (post) Evaluated after [ something ] Can access state from Pre.

24 OCL Examples “Car owner must be at least 18 years old” context Car inv: self.owner.age >= 18 “If passwords match result is true” context Login post: result = true implies pass1 = pass2

25 OCL Context Groups sets of constraints
Constraints for a context are run together Association based on context

26 Normal Fuzzing Iteration
Enter State Model State 1 Action 1.1 Send Data Action 1.2 Receive Data State N

27 Fuzzing Iteration With Constraints
Enter State Model State 1 Action 1.1 Send Data Action 1.2 Receive Data State N Inv(pre) Pre EVENT Inv(post) Post

28 Applying (Authentication)
Web Authentication # Verify authentication occurred post: (reply = 200 && url.indexOf(‘/admin’) > -1) implies auth.reply = 200

29 Applying (Authentication)
Windows SSPI # Verify all steps completed post: reply = true implies ( auth.step1.reply = true && auth.step2.reply = true && auth.step3.reply = true)

30 Applying (Logic) Windows 95 Bug
post: reply = true implies userpw = ‘password’

31 Applying (State) Antitheft System Perform control iteration

32 Implementation

33 Technologies Used Microsoft .NET Framework – C# Peach Fuzzer 3
Cross platform using Mono OS X Linux

34 Implementation Diagram

35 OCL Implementation Irony .NET Language Toolkit LINQ Expressions
Many differences from traditional Grammar is code Easy AST hookups LINQ Expressions From IronPython work Last mile is already done

36 LINQ Expressions Exposes language constructs for use in AST classes.
Does all the heavy lifting. return Expression.Condition( (Expression)ifNode.Evaluate(thread), (Expression)thenNode.Evaluate(thread), (Expression)elseNode.Evaluate(thread));

37 Gödel Usage All the things that do the stuff

38 Peach Pit vs. Gödel Gourd
Data Model State Model Agents Test Data Model OCL Definitions State Model OCL Associations Agents Test

39 Gödel: Define Constraints
<Ocl> <![CDATA[ context StatusCodeOk post: context.test.publishers[self.publisher].Result = 'OK' ]]> </Ocl>

40 Gödel: Associate Constraints
<Action type="call" method="Logout"> <Ocl context="StatusCodeOk" /> </Action> Constraints will now run with this Action.

41 Gödel: Control Iterations
<Test name=“Default” controlIteration=“1”> <Agent … /> <StateModel … /> <Publisher … /> <Logger … /> </Test> Define how often control iterations occur.

42 Usage Feasibility Time and Cost

43 Adding Gödel Process: Not recreating full application logic
Existing Peach PIT Add OCL Constraints Test and Verify Definition Not recreating full application logic Just our “view of the world”

44 Time per Protocol Based on current experience of limited protocol set
Decent in 1 – 2 days Complete in 1 week or less

45 Performance What performance impact does Gödel incur?
Constraint evaluation Control iterations No performance optimizations…yet

46 Performance of Constraints

47 Performance Control Iterations
Depends on how often, worst case half speed Never longer than mutation iterations

48 Performance Conclusions
Performance impact dependent on speed of fuzzing Ability to scale fuzzing lowers impact For fast fuzzers, acceptable impact For slower fuzzers, adjust control iterations to occur less often

49 Conclusions Pentesting/Quick fuzzing General definition building
Reasonable for “basics” (verify state’s work, critical logic flows) General definition building Reasonable to implement decent coverage 1-2 days “good enough”

50 Wrapping it up…

51 Lessons Learned Constraints applied only to control iterations
Writing good constraints that apply to all mutation cases is challenging A few constraints can go along ways Performance overhead needs to be lowered when many constraints used. Optimize access to most used variables/objects

52 Looking towards next rev…
Can we “learn” basic constraints? Performance optimizations Shorted “name” of common objects context.test.publishers[self.publisher].Result self.Result

53 Thanks for all the fish! Michael Eddington

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