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Cirrosi scompensata e trapianto di fegato: l’esperienza in real world

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1 Cirrosi scompensata e trapianto di fegato: l’esperienza in real world
Paola Carrai, MD Chirurgia Epatica e del Trapianto di Fegato Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana

2 Most liver transplants (LT) in Europe due to cirrhosis are caused by hepatitis viruses
European analysis of 55,714 transplants in Europe (Jan 1998-Dec 2012)1 HCV-related cirrhosis accounts for 66% of virus-related LT, therefore approximately 25% of LT are a result of HCV2 European liver transplant registry LTR. (accessed June 2014) 2. European Association for the study of the liver. The burden of liver disease in Europe. (accessed June 2014)

3 LT in Pisa

4 Post-LT patient survival
Our center patient and graft survival rates are similar to the international experiences (ELTR)

5 Cumulative survival after LT (MHH 1998 and 2005)
1.0 0.8 0.6 Cumulative survival 0.4 Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) Hepatitis B-cirrhosis Blocked bile duct HCC Acute liver failure Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) HCV-cirrhosis 0.2 0.0 2 4 Years Schrem H, et al. Chirurg 2008;79:121–9. MHH: Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

6 Rapid re-infection of graft with HCV post-LT
All grafts become infected after transplantation1 Kinetics vary between patients, but HCV viral load increases in some patients within hours of transplant2 108 107 106 Viral load (IU/mL) 105 104 103 102 P R 24 48 72 96 120 4 12 24 A Hours Weeks 1. Forman LM, et al. Gastroenterology 2002;122:889–96; 2. Garcia-Retortilla M, et al. Hepatology 2002;35:680–7 A: anhepatic phase; P: pre-transplantation; R: re-perfusion Copyright © Reprinted with permission of American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases

7 Middle-term (<24 months) mortality due to HCV recurrence after LT
Year #Dead HCV % 2008 8 42 19 2009 10 52 19.2 2010 4 40 2011 3 55 5.4 2012 46 6.5 2013 1 50 2 2014 39 SOFOSBUVIR

8 HCV Management Issues Unique to Pre- and Post-transplantation Patients
Pre-transplantation Intolerance to Peg-interferon regimens Impaired hepatic metabolism Renal insufficiency Post-transplantation High HCV RNA/impact of immunosuppression Fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis Drug–drug interactions Other medical comorbidities HCV, hepatitis C virus. 8

9 Compassionate program with Sofosbuvir (I)
(August) June 2014 Inclusion criteria “Patients, who are post-transplant, with unusually recurrent HCV (including fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis-FCH) and in need of urgent therapy with no other options” Advanced liver disease (MELD≥12, CTP≥B7) Life expectancy ≤6 M No access to experimental treatment

10 Compassionate program with Sofosbuvir (II)
Since June 2014 Inclusion: Patients in urgent need of therapy, with no other therapeutic option, who meet ALL the following criteria: are in a  pre-transplant list have HCV-related decompensated cirrhosis (CPT ≥ 7) have a MELD score ≤ 24, calculated in the last 30 days Patients in urgent need of therapy, with no other therapeutic option who are in a pre-transplant list for HCV-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), have a MELD score ≤ 24, calculated in the last 30 days and meet one of the following criteria: HCC within the MILAN criteria (a single HCC nodule with a maximum size of 5 cm or as many as 3 nodules with the largest not exceeding 3 cm and no macrovascular invasion) with a risk of neoplastic progression low enough to obtain the maximum benefit from the antiviral therapy (at least 30 consecutive days of negative HCV-RNA before LT – the expected average time on the waiting list should be of at least 3 months) HCC in stage T1 which is not suitable for treatment with other drastic measures (e.g. surgical resection, radiofrequency, alcoholization) Patients in urgent need of therapy, with no other therapeutic option who are post- liver transplant, with severe recurrent HCV (fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis - FCH - or chronic hepatitis with Metavir score  F2). Exclusion: • Pregnant/nursing women • History of significant drug allergy to nucleoside/nucleotide analogs • Creatinine clearance 30 mL/min

11 Pre-LT patient disposition (As of December 15, 2014)
Enrolled for SOF-based schedule (48 weeks or until LT) N= 37 1 patient died 4-week treatment completed N= 29 LT N=4 (2 HCV neg) > 8-week treatment N= 20 LT N=5 Completed 4 weeks FU post LT N= 6

12 LT patient disposition (As of December 15, 2014)
Enrolled for SOF-based schedule (12/24weeks) N=180 4-week treatment completed N=100 1 patient died 12-week treatment completed N= 27 24-week treatment completed N= 12 1 patient prolonged treatment up to 48 weeks 4-week FU completed N= 7 12-week FU completed N= 6 24-week FU completed N= 6

13 Overall pre and post-LT treatment schedules 217 patients

14 LT patients baseline clinical data Compassionate use (I)
Variable N = 15 Male, gender (%) 11 (73.3 ) Age, years (median, range) 54 (50-65) Treatment experienced/naÏve 12/3 HCV RNA, IU/mL (median, range) (88, ,000,000) GT 1a/1b/2/3/4, n 3/8/0/4/0 Bilirubin, mg/dL (median, range) 2.6 mg/dL (1.5-29) Albumin, g/dL (median, range) 3.4 g/L ( ) INR (median, range) 1.18 (1-1.46) Creatinine mg/dL ( median, range) 1.45 mg/dl ( ) Child Pugh B/C MELD (median, range) 16 (8-24) Time after LT, months (median, range) 15 (6-103)

15 Changes in clinical condition
*Improvement = significant decrease in hepatic encephalopathy, improvement or disappearance of ascites or improvement in liver-related laboratory values

16 Changes in liver function

17 Changes in liver function

18 Sustained virological response

19 Post-LT safety data by regimen
(in patients receiving at least 4 W therapy) Total patients SOF + RBV N =92 SOF + PEG RBV N =3 SOF + SMV SOF + DCL Anemia (any grade) 44 1 Arthralgia 31 Headache 37 Insomnia 25 Irritability 7 Anorexia 11 Cough Pruritus Asthenia 5 Fatigue 18 Hyperbilirubinemia

20 SAEs to date by treatment regimen
SAFETY post OLT SAEs to date by treatment regimen Total patients N SOF RBV N= 206 SOF PEG RBV N=3 SOF SMV SOF DCL SAE N 5 SAEs: Anemia ( grade 3) 2 Ascites/SBP = ESLD (Fatal in 1 case) Severe encephalopaty and hyperbilirubinemia with ALT/AST increase Spinal cord lesion, not otherwise defined

21 Baseline clinical data Pre-LT patients
Variable N = 37 Males, n (%) 27 (71 %) Age, years (median, range) 57 (43-70) HCV RNA, IU/mL (median, range) ( ) GT 1a/1b/2/3/4, n 10/20/1/5/1 Bilirubin, mg/dL ( median, range) 1.8 ( ) Albumin, g/dL (median, range) 3.4 ( ) INR (median, range) 1.37 (1-1.8) Creatinine mg/dL ( median, range) 0.76 (0.6-2) Child Pugh A/B/C, n 5/26/6 MELD (median, range) 12 (8-21) HCC, n 9

22 Pre-LT safety data by regimen
Total patients SOF RBV N =37 SOF DCL N =1 Anemia (any grade) 2 Arthralgia 10 Headache 5 Insomnia 3 1 Irritability 8 Anorexia Encephalopaty Asthenia 9 Fatigue 20 Hyperglycemia Hyperbilirubinemia

23 SAFETY pre-LT SAEs to date SAE’S:
Progression of ESLD with variceal bleeding (Fatal) Cerebral hemorrhage

24 Three patients categories……..

25 Conclusions In our experience, SOF-based regimens are safe and associated with rapid viral clearance Ribavirin was frequently reduced due to AEs (anemia) No drug discontinuation due to AEs No episode of acute rejection in transplant patients

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