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Understanding A Paradigm Shift What is this? What else is this? What had to happen for you to shift your perspective? It’s a Duck!

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3 Understanding A Paradigm Shift
What is this? What else is this? What had to happen for you to shift your perspective? It’s a Duck! It’s a Rabbit!


5 Tell the students the joke, which is an allegory of the Scientific Revolution. Have the students interpret it. The Joke: Three monks were sitting together in their monastery one afternoon when one of them asked, “I wonder how many teeth a horse has?” The First Monk said, “We should consult the Holy Father in Rome! The Pope is the source of all truth and wisdom. He represents the voice of God on Earth.” The Second Monk said, “Oh, no! We should consult the Bible! It is the word of God.” The Third Monk said, “I’ve got an idea! Let’s all walk over to old man Jones’ farm down the street. He’s got a whole team of horses! We could open the mouth of each and count how many each has. If there’s any variation, we can study the jaws and discuss what we see and why a certain horse has more or less teeth than the others. We can reach a conclusion that’s based on what we discover through our investigation.” The first two monks looked quizzically at the third… and then killed him.

6 Basic elements: earth, water, wind & fire Perfectly circular universe, with different circles inside each Idea of perfect spheres


8 The Greeks identified “travelers” among the stars
The Greeks identified “travelers” among the stars. Planet is Greek for traveler  To explain this, Ptolemy proposed that planets traveled in smaller circles-epicycles- as well as an orbit. Why would People put earth at the center of the universe?

9 Medieval World View Geocentric- an earth centered universe Geo=earth

10 the Scientific Revolution
Begins with Nicolas Copernicus ( ) in the field of astronomy On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres Heliocentric- a sun centered universe. Helio =sun Centric= center Wrote On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres frightened clerical authorities since it conflicted with scripture Did no new observations to arrive at his conclusion what led him to remove earth from the center was the complexity and cumbersomeness of Ptolemaic system which offended his sense of mathematical order. The use of numerous epicycles violated the Platonic vision of mathematical symmetry of the universe



13 Nicolas Copernicus What was the paradigm shift?
Why was this shift dangerous? How did Copernicus protect himself?

14 Path to Enlightenment: the Scientific Revolution
Galileo Galilee Telescope & Direct Observation Wrote Concerning the Two Chief World Systems Ptolemaic & Copernican in 1632 Separation of Science and Faith Rejected the medieval division of the universe into higher and lower orders Observed the craters and mountains of the moon and the spots on the sun and rejected the Aristolian notion that the heavenly bodies are pure flawless bodies If asked why does a rock fall? How would an Aristolian respond? - a rock falls in order to reach its proper place in the universe thereby fulfilling its nature; it was acting in accordance with t he purpose God had assigned it -Galileo notices that motion is the relationship of bodies to time & distance not due to a quality inherent in an object Concerning the Two Chief World Systems attacked the unquestioning acceptance of ancient texts Attempted to separate church and science, church was for instructing salvation not for understanding nature

15 Path to Enlightenment: the Scientific Revolution
Johannes Kepler 3 Laws of Planetary Motion Elliptical orbits Planet Speed Varies Developed a mathematical relationship between orbit and time

16 Path to Enlightenment: the Scientific Revolution
Isaac Newton Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy in 1687 3 Laws of Motion Realized Platonic and Pythagorean Visions Gives credence to Johannes Kepler’s laws of planetary motion Effectively ends the medieval notion of the cosmos being divided into higher and lower worlds

17 Significance of the Scientific Revolution
Popularization of Science destroyed the Medieval outlook on the world Rejected reliance on ancient texts Utilized the scientific method to understand the world Separation of Science and Faith Bernard de Fontenelle was able to target the masses, science was no longer a monopoly of experts but part of popular literature Plurality of Words 474

18 Oh, And……

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