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Chapter 6.

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1 Chapter 6

2 1. True or False: Both temperature and pressure must be increased to produce metamorphic rocks.
A. True B. False

3 2. True or False: Metamorphism can produce new minerals in a rock.
A. True B. False

4 3. True or False: Metamorphism can produce change in the texture of a rock.
A. True B. False

5 4. Elements are moved between minerals during metamorphism by:
A. magma. B. water. C. oxygen. D. carbon dioxide. E. Elements are not moved during metamorphism.

6 A. heat B. fluids C. confining pressure D. directed pressure
5. Foliation is produced in metamorphic rocks primarily as a result of . A. heat B. fluids C. confining pressure D. directed pressure

7 6. Metamorphism occurs as the result of increased heat from .
A. Earth’s interior B. magma C. Sun D. fossil fuels E. A and B

8 7. Which type of metamorphism is produced along convergent plate boundaries?
A. regional B. contact C. shock D. Metamorphism does not occur along convergent plate boundaries.

9 8. Which type of metamorphism is produced near magma chambers?
A. regional B. contact C. shock D. Metamorphism does not occur near magma chambers.

10 9. Which type of metamorphism is produced from meteorite impacts?
A. regional B. contact C. shock D. Metamorphism is not produced by meteorite impacts.

11 10. How do crystal size and foliation change with increasing intensity of metamorphism?
A. Crystal size increases and foliation becomes less coarse. B. Crystal size decreases and foliation becomes coarse. C. Both crystal size and foliation coarseness decrease. D. Both crystal size and foliation coarseness increase.

12 A. schist B. phyllite C. gneiss D. slate
11. Which of the following types of foliation indicate the greatest intensity of metamorphism? A. schist B. phyllite C. gneiss D. slate

13 A. schist B. phyllite C. gneiss D. slate
12. Which of the following types of foliation indicate the lowest intensity of metamorphism? A. schist B. phyllite C. gneiss D. slate

14 13. Which is the most likely parent rock of marble?
A. sandstone B. shale C. limestone D. granite E. gabbro

15 14. Which is the most likely parent rock of quartzite?
A. sandstone B. shale C. limestone D. granite E. gabbro

16 15. Which is the most likely parent rock of phyllite?
A. sandstone B. shale C. limestone D. granite E. gabbro

17 16. Metamorphic facies are defined by:
A. suites of minerals. B. foliation. C. pressures and temperatures. D. tectonic environments.

18 17. True or False: Different metamorphic rocks may form from the same parent material.
A. True B. False

19 18. True or False: Different metamorphic rocks may form with the same metamorphic grade.
A. True B. False

20 19. Metamorphism along convergent boundaries between two continental plates is defined by:
A. low temperature and pressure. B. high temperature and pressure. C. low temperature and high pressure. D. high temperature and low pressure.

21 20. What type of metamorphic rock would result from the complete melting of gneiss?
A. blueschist B. marble C. slate D. quartzite E. None of the above. An igneous rock would be produced.

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