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Address Confidentiality Program Application Assistant Training

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Presentation on theme: "Address Confidentiality Program Application Assistant Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Address Confidentiality Program Application Assistant Training

2 ACP Provides a substitute address to be used in place of the survivors real address on public record.

3 First program of its kind in the nation
ACP FAqs Began in 1991 First program of its kind in the nation 39 other states have now created similar programs Today, over 4600 people are enrolled in ACP; more than half are children

4 Individuals served and employees by year

5 Staff to participant ratio by state

6 Current Challenges (1) Enrollment in ACP has quadrupled in last 20 years, while staffing levels have remained static. Advances in technology and large scale data sharing: address may inadvertently be shared Survivors lack understanding of how to use ACP correctly

7 Current Challenges (2) State and Agencies unaware of mandate Geographic areas of Washington with limited advocates to enroll people in program. Direct correlation between number of certified advocates and number of survivors enrolling in program. Aging case management system-2003 software and hardware

8 First ACP Summit hosted November of 2017.
The Planning Process First ACP Summit hosted November of 2017. 45 community leaders and OSOS staff discussed strengthening protections First ACP Advisory Council formed April 2018 Together the ACP Advisory Council and program staff set forth attainable goals to broaden access to life-saving services and reduce the likelihood of errors that compromise the security of records and, potentially, people.

9 Acp Advisory Council Membership
County Auditor Victims Advocate Participant Sheriff's Office Title Company County Clerk DSHS School Bank Attorney Attorney General ACP and OSOS Staff HBE City Clerk HCA

10 Reinvest in ACP Big bold changes to address existing gaps
Modest staffing changes (addition of 3.4 FTE’s) New data software and database

11 2019-2021 Strategic Plan Statewide training curriculum
advocates, agencies and participants Strengthen agency collaboration TBD, Housing Protection, School Records, etc. Increase number of trained program advocates Strengthen case management system housing confidential data

12 Feedback and Contact ACP ACP Program Staff Council Members
Julie Anderson Colleen-Manager (360) Web address: Mary Hall

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