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Senior Service America, Inc. (SSAI) Webinar “Wish List”

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1 Senior Service America, Inc. (SSAI) Webinar “Wish List”
We will start in 5 minutes. Please dial in by following the instructions (to see those instructions again click the audio icon)

2 Technical Details To best view the presentation, click the Whiteboard (or full Screen) Icon: During the presentation you may also use the scrolling bars to view content that is hidden

3 Technical Details Telephones will be muted during the presentation as this is an I-Class format webinar. This webinar is being recorded. We will have Question and Answer segments throughout the presentation. In order to ask a question Please use the Raise Hand Icon. You can also ask a question or make a comment by clicking send a note icon

4 Senior Service America, Inc. (SSAI) Webinar for SCSEP Fiscal Staff
“Wish List” Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:00 p.m.

5 Today’s Presenters: Chris Garland, National SCSEP Director and Steve Sandberg, SCSEP Finance Manager
Webinar Length 1 hour from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time We may finish early if not all time is needed

6 Webinar Agenda Welcome Review PY2013 context
SSAI procedures for subgrantees that are underspending in Admin, OPC and/or Fringe SSAI procedures for subgrantees that are overspending in Admin, OPC and/or Fringe How to apply for additional funds ‘Wish List” Questions/Answers Adjourn Marta

7 PY2013 Context Friday, May 3, 2013, 4:00 p.m. EDT
SSAI does not expect a “no cost” extension for PY2013 which means all subgrant funds must be expended by June 30, 2014 Important that each subgrantee spend 100% of its subgrant funds by June 30, 2014 Participant Wages – Through PPP Webtool Fringe, Admin & OPC – Through the SA1 Report of Costs SSAI does not have additional funds as we have had in prior years Friday, May 3, 2013, 4:00 p.m. EDT Marta

8 SSAI process for subgrantees:
Underspending Admin/OPC and/or Fringe If you are underspending Admin/OPC – You have already heard from us If you are underspending Fringe – You will hear from us shortly

9 SSAI process for subgrantees:
Overspending Admin/OPC and/or Fringe For those on track - good job! For those on track to overspend as of June 30th, what should you do? Recognize this is not a negative – SCSEP typically costs more than the funds available for this program Submit your costs on web-based SA1 Report SSAI will reimburse you what your budget allows

10 Additional Funds ‘Wish List” on SA1 Web-based Reporting Tool
Speaking of the web-based SA1 Report… we’ve made some enhancements Let’s go to the Test Site and review how to activate the “Wish List”

11 “Monthly Wish List” Recap
The “Monthly Wish List” will only become available when you have expended your entire budget in one of the following three categories: 1. Admin Admin & OPC combined Total SSAI Budget Funding of any of the “Closeout Wish List” items will be determined at the end of the grant when we know whether funds are available

12 “Closeout Wish List” Recap
The “Closeout Wish List” will populate automatically with any over-budget expense categories Reminder… the “Closeout Wish List” is not a substitute for your non-federal match expenses Low priority for SSAI is a subgrantee with a “Closeout Wish List” and no prior “Monthly Wish List”

13 Urgent funds request If you need funds and cannot wait until after the grant closeout, please contact us immediately For example – An exorbitant Workers Comp premium bill Cannot guarantee funding but please contact SSAI immediately If we can help, we will

14 Questions? Raise Your Hand or Send Us a Note

15 Next Steps After Webinar
Steve and Chris will follow-up with subgrantees who are on track to underspend Fringe on June 30th Steve will follow-up with any subgrantee who is late with their SA1 reporting Per the Sponsor Agreement and Policy and Procedure Manual, the SA1 and SA2 reports are due no later than 30 days after the close of the prior month Example: today is April 9 so we expect all subgrantees to have submitted SA1 report of costs through February and be working on their March SA1 reports) SSAI needs most current data to ensure spending of SCSEP grant funds is on track for all funds to be expended by June 30, 2014

16 Short Survey Raise your hand (using raise hand icon) if today’s webinar helpful?

17 Questions After This Webinar
Contact Steven Sandberg or Chris Garland by opening a case via the SCSEP Help Desk: Call: ; or And we will respond!

18 Adjourn We will notify you when the following is available on the SSAI Partners’ Page: Today’s PowerPoint Presentation Link to today’s webinar recording Thank you for attending!

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