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How Europe Influenced Latin America

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1 How Europe Influenced Latin America

2 Colonization of Latin America
Before Europeans arrived the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations ruled different parts of today’s Latin America. These indigenous people had developed their own cultures with unique languages and religions.

3 Colonization of Latin America
Starting in the 1500s, European conquered these native civilizations. Spain took over much of Central and South America. Portugal created strong colonies in the area that later became known as Brazil.

4 Colonization of Latin America
After many decades of fighting, the Europeans and indigenous peoples stopped resisting one another. They began to exchange different parts of their culture in a process we today call the Columbia Exchange.

5 Columbian Exchange The Columbian Exchange was a sea trade connecting the “Old World” (Europe) and the “New World” (the Americas). This is a 15th century example of globalization.

6 Columbian Exchange In a cycle called the “Triangle of Trade”, goods were exchanged between Europe and Africa, Africa and the Americas, and the Americas to Europe.

7 Columbian Exchange Some important items that went from Europe to the Americas Wheat Coffee Sugar Peaches Livestock (pigs, cattle, and sheep)

8 Columbian Exchange Some important items that went from Africa to the Americas -horses -goats -pigs -some manufactured goods

9 Columbian Exchange Some important items that went from the Americas to Europe -squash -maize -beans -potatoes -tomatoes - peppers - cacao beans (chocolate)

10 Cacao

11 Cacao

12 Columbian Exchange Food and animals were not the only things traded across the Atlantic during this time period. People, diseases, weapons, languages, and religions were also exchanged.

13 Impact of the Columbian Exchange
Europeans brought new diseases to the Americas including small pox , measles, and influenza.

14 Impact of the Columbian Exchange
These diseases were devastating to the indigenous people because they had no immunity to these diseases. *Show Brain Pop on Columbian Exchange

15 Influence of Europeans on Latin America’s Population
Many Europeans came to Latin America to colonize the new lands. These new settlers created plantations which the Spanish called haciendas. They quickly realized they needed more labor to help grow their sugar cane and tobacco.

16 Influence of Europeans on Latin America’s Population
The Europeans also needed numerous workers to work in the gold and diamond mines. They began to import slaves from West Africa. Because Europe and Africa had been trading for many centuries, West Africans were immune to many of the European diseases.

17 Influence of Europeans on Latin America’s Population
The transatlantic slave trade brought millions of Africans into Latin America. Over the centuries the cultures of the Europeans, Africans and indigenous people blended together to form a unique cultural region known as Latin America.

18 Influence of Europeans on Latin America’s Population
Intermarriage of people from different continents has produced a diverse culture. People with African and European ancestors are known as mulattoes. Mestizos are people whose ancestors were European and the indigenous people.

19 Influence of Europeans on Latin America’s Language
The official languages of Latin America today reflect the European countries that colonized the region.

20 Influence of Europeans on Latin America’s Language
Because most of the countries in Latin America were conquered by Spain, Spanish is the most common language spoken today in Latin America. Brazil was conquered by Portugal so most Brazilians speak a form of Portuguese today. Indigenous languages are still spoke today by a small number of people in the region.

21 Influence of Europeans on Latin America’s Religion
Like language the European colonists brought their religion to Latin America and taught it to the indigenous people. Roman Catholicism was the leading religion of both Spain and Portugal. Today over 90 percent of Latin Americans say they are Catholic.

22 Influence of Europeans on Latin America’s Religion
Over time, religious celebrations, customs, and holidays in Latin America became a mixture of the beliefs of the indigenous people and Catholicism.

23 Influence of Europeans on Latin America’s Religion
One example is the day of the Dead, a holiday celebrated in Mexico. On that day, people come together to pray for family members and friends who died and celebrate their spiritual journey.

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