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CERN OPEN DAY 2013 Fibres and AX-PET CJ 20 Sep 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "CERN OPEN DAY 2013 Fibres and AX-PET CJ 20 Sep 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERN OPEN DAY 2013 Fibres and AX-PET CJ 20 Sep 2013

2 Our two visit stands Scintillating fibres in ATLAS ALFA and LHCb SciFi Poster scint. fibres + SiPM Poster ALFA + SciFi detectors Digital microscope + laptop SiPM Demonstration: detection of single photons Demonstration: detection of cosmic particles by a scintillator Hands-on experience: light (red, yellow, green, blue, UV) and fibres (clear, WLS, scint)

3 Our two visit stands AX-PET Poster HEP Medical imaging methods, basic principle Poster AX-PET, principle + reconstructed objects Digital microscope + laptop ??? AX-PET demonstrator in action (rotating mouse, moving detector) Hands-on experience: tomographic reconstruction, win a candy!

4 Organization There may be up to 50.000 visitors per day, but there are some 50 sites to visit. We can probably expect a few thousand people per day passing by our stands. Not all of them can see everything and do the hands-on fun. How shall we attract / catch them? Should we prepare simple mini-presentations (few minutes), which we give in regular intervals ? Explain essentially the content of the posters.


6 Setting up our equipment Ideally, all equipment should be set up before Friday, lunch time. Our group leader invited the whole group (100 people) for a visit of the various sites in which our group is involved on Friday at 15:30 Coffee and cakes will be served. AX-PET will be moved to B154 on Wednesday, 9:00 ALFA cylinder will be moved on ~Thursday. Check whether we can add the cosmic ray curtain

7 Shift plan CERN is open for visitors on Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 – 20:00 Guides must be at the stands 1 h before and until 1 h after this period. Morning Shift: 8:00 – 15:00 Afternoon Shift: 14:30 – 21:00 Saturday morning Saturday afternoon Sunday morning Sunday afternoon FibresGuidoFredericGuido Frederic AX-PETMatthieuChiaraMatthieuChiara Stand-by on site Christian AX-PET: Chiara, Matthieu, Thomas, Christian Fibres: Guido, Barinjaka, Frederic, Rita, Julien, Sune, Tatiana, Mark ? I will prepare badges with first names and institute logos

8 Access / car parks There is probably no problem to come to CERN by car in the morning and to leave in the evening. There are special designated parking zones, may not be close to B154. However, if possible, avoid to come to CERN by car, particularly in the afternoon. Use bike, public transport (free) Access roads will be closed for public traffic. You will have a special Open Days leaflet which allows you to pass. But still, there may be thousands of people on the roads … Today from 1pm you can go to building 73, ground floor, to take your volunteers bag (containing t-shirt, windbreaker, pen, vehicle leaflet). Next week the opening hours are 8h-11h45 and 13h-16h. Please respect these timeslots. Please note that your site manager and his team may collect clothes for you. In that case, you will not have to go there.

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