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obdurate: adjective Definition:

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Presentation on theme: "obdurate: adjective Definition:"— Presentation transcript:

1 obdurate: adjective Definition:
unmoved by persuasion, pity, or tender feelings stubbornly resistant to moral influence  persistently impenitent

2 obdurate pronunciation: ob-doo-rit

3 obdurate related forms: noun obdurateness adverb obdurately

4 obdurate synonyms: obstinate adamant stubborn callous inflexible

5 obdurate Even when faced with scathing criticism of management techniques, Amazon leaders and many employees were obdurate in their support of and loyalty to the company.

6 obdurate The obdurate child refused to eat his meal.

7 obdurate Obdurate in his refusal to grow up, Peter Pan remained the perennial child.

8 obdurately In Wicked, Elphaba obdurately clings to her desire to be good as a child, but gradually becomes one of the most evil characters in literature.

9 obdurately The mule obdurately refused to listen to direction.

10 obdurateness In part, Steve Jobs owes his success to his obdurateness when facing critics of his unique marketing strategies.

11 obdurateness Though she knew an apology was expected, her obdurateness rendered her reticent.

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