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Where and how should I build my castle?

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Presentation on theme: "Where and how should I build my castle?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where and how should I build my castle?
L/O: To ….. Make decisions on what is the best place to site a castle and why. Describe the different features for defending a castle and decide which are the most important

2 Where and how should we build our castle?
Brainstorm all the things will need to think about when building your castle to protect yourselves from those pesky Saxons!

3 Defense 1: Location location location!
Write down as many things you can think of that may influence where you would build a castle – be ready to explain your choices!

4 Defense 2: How you build it!
Barbican The extra gatehouse at the front of the castle. Portcullis The strong oak and metal gate at the front of the castle (one pence coins carry an image of them). Murder holes Holes that soldiers could pour hot sand, water and lime through to kill and wound an enemy

5 The castle battlements jutted out from the top of the wall so that soldiers could drop heavy stones and pour boiling tar onto the enemy below. At the bottom of the curtain wall the walls were angled so that when stones were dropped they would bounce off the bottom and hit the attackers. Castle defenses

6 Your castle design You are going to design your own castle! You need to think about the following things: Where will you locate your castle? What features will you add to make it stronger? Write an advert for your castle to persuade the Normans to buy your design!

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