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BES-t Practices Training

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1 BES-t Practices Training
Andy Stanley

2 What is a Guardrail? The Official Definition: “A guardrail is a system
designed to keep vehicles, animals and people from straying into dangerous or off-limit areas.” We see them but we really don’t pay much attention until we need one. They subconsciously give us a sense of comfort. Guardrails are that invisible part of our driving experience. We are glad they are there when we need them, but for the most part we pay no attention to them until we need them.

3 Types of road Guardrails
We find guardrails on roads in basically four areas: 1) Bridges: Limited stretch of road with high risk on either side. 2) Medians: We are close to people who are going the opposite direction and we need to make sure we don’t run into one another. 3) Curves: If we were to get off the roadway it keeps us from continuing forward into dangerous areas where we could be hurt or killed. Some guardrails require change of direction. 4) Cliffs: When what is just a few feet away leads to certain death.

4 Purpose of Guardrails Most Guardrails are located where we could actually drive or walk. The purpose of the guardrail is to stop us before we actually fall into danger. Oncoming traffic, fall off cliffs or into ravines or waterways or mountain sides; areas where there is actual danger. Guardrails create a small amount of discomfort or inconvenience for the purpose of avoiding a large disaster.

5 What good can Guardrails do?
Keep the “good” in Keep the “bad” out Keep the “bad” in Keep the “good” out

6 There are also Guardrails that can govern your…
Safety & Security Thought Process Decision Making ability Morality / Ethics Emotional Wellbeing Other Peoples Wellbeing Influence on Others

7 What happens when we reverse our Guardrails?
Keep the “good” in – Greedy, unwilling to share or give towards others needs. Keep the “bad” out – Discrimination, segregation, unwilling to include. Keep the “bad” in – Holding onto bad employees. Staying with an abusive person. Unwilling/afraid to part with/from. Keep the “good” out – Not accepting help, input, advice or constructive feedback. Unwilling to listen those “Outside the connected loop”. Every group of people of any size is a Circle. We tend to put either Constructive or Destructive Guardrails up around the border of your circle.

8 Areas of our lives in need of Guardrails (work and home)
Financial Guardrails – Budgets, allowances, limitations, accountability Time Guardrails – What are my time limits? How to say “No” to time wasters. Operational Guardrails – What is expected of me? Checklist, system are Guardrails. Emotional Guardrails – Seek balance, avoid extremes - pain/pleasure, stress/comfort, anger/elation, pessimism/optimism. Social/Relational Guardrails – Where does my freedom of speech end? How should I treat others? How can I know if I go too far? Responsibility Guardrails – Where my responsibility begin and where does it end? “It’s not my fault!”(defensive), “People don’t appreciate me” (victim), “I deserve more!”(entitlement).

9 External vs. Internal Guardrails
An external Guardrail is one that is put in place by someone for your best interest or mutual benefit of others. Rules, laws etc. An Internal Guardrail is one that you adopt (usually learned) and claim or take ownership of for your best interest or mutual benefit of others. Convictions, Principles Your Belief System, Education, Conscience, become your principles to live by and become the basis for development of all other Internal Guardrails (or lack of). Example 80/20

10 Messed up Culture Freedom Trumps Responsibility – Freedom of Speech, “It’s a free country”, “I have the freedom to live without restraint.” Our Culture uses our freedom and rights as a club to violate other peoples freedoms and rights. We indulge in whatever we want thinking that nothing will happen to us. "Everything is permissible for me"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"--but I will not be mastered by anything.” 1 Cor 6:12

11 The Kingpin of all Guardrails
The Kingpin of all Guardrails the “Golden Rule”. ”Treat others as you would have them treat you” Responsibility ALWAYS trumps Rights If this were applied there would be no need for relational Guardrails Other Foundational or Domino Guardrails (some of Joels) No Excuses or complaining! Get over it, learn to cope! Tell it how it really is, don’t exaggerate or embellish or jump to extremes. Truth doesn’t need you to cheat for it. Don’t lie to yourself, face the music. No one owes you anything! You have according to what you give. Fix the cause of the problem, don’t cover over the symptoms. First seek to understand, then seek to be understood. Variations of the Golden Rule The Law of One: "We are all one. When one is harmed, all are harmed. When one is helped, all are healed" Dalai Lama "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.“ Confusious "Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you" Analects 15:23 Hinduism "One should not behave towards others in a way which is disagreeable to oneself." Mencius Vii.A.4  Every GM applicant - “I would never ask anyone to do anything that I am not willing to do”

12 Applying Guardrails to our jobs
What positive Guardrails have to kept you safe in your professional life? What positive Guardrails do you have to keep the needs of your employees at the forefront of your focus? What Guardrails have you lacked in your professional life? How can we help others in our company appreciate Guardrails and embrace them?

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