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Ritual Catechesis: Knowing—Experiencing—Understanding!

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Presentation on theme: "Ritual Catechesis: Knowing—Experiencing—Understanding!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ritual Catechesis: Knowing—Experiencing—Understanding!
Presented by: Brian Lemoi Executive Director, Evangelization & Lifelong Faith Formation

2 A Few Disclaimers! Sacramental Preparation is a type of “Liturgical Catechesis” that has three very distinct approaches: Catechesis about Sacraments: General Study of the Sacraments-signs, symbols, meaning etc. Catechesis for Sacraments: Preparation of individuals to meaningfully and actively participate in the rites & rituals of the Sacraments Liturgy as Catechesis: The rites & rituals “teach” but post celebration reflection is needed to make the connections!

3 Let’s Look More Closely at the Three Aspects of Ritual Catechesis!
Catechesis about Liturgy & Sacraments

4 What is Liturgy? Public Worship & Prayer according to particular traditions A community response to the sacred. Oral traditions memorized with scripture as the basic text Metaphor – Symbol – Text Full, conscious and active participation… …nature of liturgy and dignity of the sacraments! Pass it on!

5 Let’s Look More Closely at the Three Aspects of Ritual Catechesis!
Catechesis for Liturgy & Sacraments Brian Lemoi

6 Catechesis for Liturgy = “Sacramental Preparation”
“Certain situations and circumstances require special forms of catechesis,” especially for sacramental moments when “people are more disposed to seek out the true meaning of life” (GDC, #176). Sacramental catechesis seeks to promote a deeper understanding and experience of a sacrament, explains the contents of the prayers, and educates about active participation, contemplation, and silence. But more than this, sacramental catechesis seeks conversion; its goal is to form and transform people into the sacramental mystery they are about to celebrate. All too often, this element is missing from our sacramental programs. We seek to explain and instruct, but we fail to convert. We confuse sacramental catechesis with religious education (Catechesis About Sacraments). We make people “earn” sacraments rather than converting them into sacramental life. Sr. Linda Gaupin, Today’s Liturgy (1)

7 Catechesis for Liturgy = “Sacramental Preparation”
How do we initiate people into the mystery of Christ? The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) states we should begin “by proceeding from the visible to the invisible, from the sign to the thing signified, from the ‘sacraments’ to the ‘mysteries’” (#1075). We catechize “for” sacraments by delving deeply into the meaning of the symbols, gestures, and prayers of the sacramental rites. Gaupin, IBID The Rite itself is the primary content. Sufficient Instruction and Practice to Meaningfully and Actively Participate in the Rite to be Celebrated. Prepare them for the “Smells and Bells”.

8 Let’s Look More Closely at the Three Aspects of Ritual Catechesis!
Liturgy As Catechesis

9 Living our Faith “the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; it is also the font from which all her power flows. It is therefore the privileged place for catechizing the People of God” (CCC, #1074)

10 Conclusions—Extensions—Application
We have to examine (and perhaps open to changing) our “program-long” approaches and the appropriate type of catechesis for given topics and respective sacraments being prepared for. We have to have a pastoral plan with a “lesson plan” behind it We have to commit ourselves to “conversion catechesis” and “liturgical catechesis” rather than “Religious Education” We must not ever consider sacraments as something to be learned or to be earned!

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