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Salvete, omnes! Welcome to IB Latin!.

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Presentation on theme: "Salvete, omnes! Welcome to IB Latin!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salvete, omnes! Welcome to IB Latin!

2 Part 1- Study of Language
The students will be perfecting their understanding of Latin grammar and syntax The students will read excerpts from Ovid’s Metamorphoses

3 Part 2: Study of Literature
Students study not only the grammar and syntax but also the literary style of two authors Students read: Vergil- Aeneid Caesar- De Bello Gallico

4 Part 3- Research Dossier
Students research a topic of their choosing relating to classical history, literature, art, architecture, language, religion, mythology etc. Students create a dossier of 7-9 annotated primary sources relating to their topic

5 Exam Paper 1- Students translate a passage of Ovid with the use of a dictionary Paper 2- Students answer questions based on three passages (they can choose from two Vergil passages and two Caesar passages) These questions might ask the students to: Explain the content or context of the passage Identify features characteristic of the type of literature Demonstrate understanding of literary/stylistic features Translate part of the passage Scan selected lines of poetry

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