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This week’s Greek or Latin Root is…

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Presentation on theme: "This week’s Greek or Latin Root is…"— Presentation transcript:

1 This week’s Greek or Latin Root is…
jur, jus, jud

2 What words do you know that have the roots “jur, jus or jud” in them?

3 What do you think the roots “jur, just and jud” mean?

4 Here’s a hint…

5 jur, jus, jud means law or justice

6 abjure To give up rights To recant To reject

7 judge A person chosen to interpret LAWS, decide on a winner or settle a controversy

8 jurisdiction The territory or land in which JUSTICE and LAWS are administered and followed

9 jurist An expert in the LAW

10 jury A group of people sworn to abide by the LAWS to determine the truth

11 just LAWFUL fair

12 justice Fairness Rightfulness

13 justification The fact that is said to prove that something is true

14 justify To prove To offer

15 perjury To break the LAW by lying To break a formal promise
To break an oath

16 Our jur, jus, jud words abjure judge jurisdiction jurist jury just
justice justification justify perjury

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