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Warren G. Harding’s Presidency:

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1 Warren G. Harding’s Presidency:
How is the Harding Administration rocked by scandal?

2 Harding Deals with Post War Issues
Republican Warren G. Harding promises “return to normalcy” easily wins election 1) Washington Naval Conference, 1921 Sec of State Charles Hughes proposed to cut military, saves $$ 2) Domestic Tax Cuts Sec of Treasury Andrew Mellon favors tax cuts (rich get biggest) 3) Fordney-McCumber Tariff, 1922 Raises tariffs but can Europe afford the new rates?

3 4) Dawes Plan, 1924 (Coolidge)
France wants immediate payment of German reparations US will loan Germany money , Germany will pay reparations to France & Britain - France & Britain will pay back US

4 Scandal During Harding’s Presidency
Harding appoints his friends to cabinet (“Ohio Gang”) Sec of Veteran’s Affairs Charles Forbes caught illegally selling Veteran hospital’s supplies to private hospitals 2. Thomas Miller, head of Alien Property caught taking a bribe Other scandals becoming public – what did Harding know?

5 Teapot Dome Scandal Sec. of the Interior, Albert B. Fall, secretly “loaned” Tea Pot Dome land to oil companies for a $400,000 bribe Harding dies of a heart attack right before scandal becomes public, Fall goes to prison, VP Calvin Coolidge becomes President

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