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Presentation on theme: "Reception."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reception

2 Part Time Sessions AM session PM session Tuesday 4th September
Morning sessions are for children born after 1/3/14 Afternoon sessions are for children born before 28/02/14 AM session PM session Tuesday 4th September 9:30-12:15 with a hot free school lunch. 1-3:05 no lunch Monday 10th September 9:30-11:45 no lunch 12:30 – 3:05 with a hot free school lunch

3 Mornings (Part time) Drop off Reception staff will come out to collect children. Please wait on the path for a 9:30am start. Pick up Please enter the school through the Infant gate. Children will line up on the stage. Morning children will go through the main door and line up in the hall.

4 Afternoons (Part time)
Drop off Please enter during the Infant gate, Reception staff will come out to collect children. Please wait on the path for 1pm(week 1) or 12:30pm (week 2) Pick up Please enter the school through the Infant and wait on the KS1 playground. A chair will be out to show the parents where to wait but it will be in the square of the netball court nearest the equipment.

5 Full Time Start Full time from Monday 17th September
8.45am for 8.55am – 3.05pm

6 Attendance Attending every day is exceptionally important to pupil well-being and progress. Attendance is closely monitored, the borough deems any child at under 90% attendance as ‘persistently absent’(7-10 days)

7 Full Time Drop off Say goodbye to your child on the path so they can walk into their class on their own or with a friend. Pick up Please pick your child up from the KS1 playground.

8 School Uniform P.E. Kit Please note the children are not allowed to wear earrings in school. September – January – December July T-shirt Plimsolls Shorts

9 Book bags Your child will need to bring their book bag into school everyday. - One Key ring Yellow book (home/school communication book) Reading books Water bottles Please provide your child with a bottle of water everyday to have during snack time and class time. Please ensure it is a sports bottle to prevent spillage.

10 Painting Apron

11 Engayne ‘Houses’ Please provide your child with a plain t-shirt the colour of their house.

12 P.E. Kit September – April T-shirt Shorts January– July Plimsolls

13 National Fruit Scheme Milk
If for any reason you would wish to opt out please complete the form in your child’s pack. Milk All children under 5 will be registered for milk. If you would like to opt out please complete the form in you pack by 10th July. If your child is 5 and you would like them to have milk please register online. Website Tel: Most of the chidlren will try fruit at school because their friends are.

14 Lunch Please speak to your child’s class teacher or TA about what your child will be having for lunch. Please select lunch the day before on pick up. This is particularly important for afternoon children.

15 Trips Post box Library and Park Thorndon Country Park .

16 Parents/Grandparents come into school
Trent Fleet Avon Parent Lunch Monday 8th October Wednesday 10th October Friday 12th October Dad/Grandad session (morning) Tuesday 22nd January Wednesday 23rd January Thursday 24th January Mum/Grandma Session (morning) Tuesday 9th April Wednesday 10th April Thursday 12th April

17 Questions

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