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Published bySophie Haynes Modified over 6 years ago
EE 5340 Semiconductor Device Theory Lecture 5 - Fall 2010
Professor Ronald L. Carter
Second Assignment Please print and bring to class a signed copy of the document appearing at L05 08Sep10
Intrinsic carrier conc. (MB limit)
ni2 = no po = Nc Nv e-Eg/kT Nc = 2{2pm*nkT/h2}3/2 Nv = 2{2pm*pkT/h2}3/2 Eg = 1.17 eV - aT2/(T+b) a = 4.73E-4 eV/K b = 636K L05 08Sep10
Classes of semiconductors
Intrinsic: no = po = ni, since Na&Nd << ni, ni2 = NcNve-Eg/kT, ~1E-13 dopant level ! n-type: no > po, since Nd > Na p-type: no < po, since Nd < Na Compensated: no=po=ni, w/ Na- = Nd+ > 0 Note: n-type and p-type are usually partially compensated since there are usually some opposite- type dopants L05 08Sep10
n-type equilibrium concentrations
N ≡ Nd - Na , n type N > 0 For all N, no = N/2 + {[N/2]2+ni2}1/2 In most cases, N >> ni, so no = N, and po = ni2/no = ni2/N, (Law of Mass Action is al- ways true in equilibrium) L05 08Sep10
p-type equilibrium concentrations
N ≡ Nd - Na , p type N < 0 For all N, po = |N|/2 + {[|N|/2]2+ni2}1/2 In most cases, |N| >> ni, so po = |N|, and no = ni2/po = ni2/|N|, (Law of Mass Action is al- ways true in equilibrium) L05 08Sep10
Position of the Fermi Level
Efi is the Fermi level when no = po Ef shown is a Fermi level for no > po Ef < Efi when no < po Efi < (Ec + Ev)/2, which is the mid-band L05 08Sep10
EF relative to Ec and Ev Inverting no = Nc exp[-(Ec-EF)/kT] gives Ec - EF = kT ln(Nc/no) For n-type material: Ec - EF =kTln(Nc/Nd)=kTln[(Ncpo)/ni2] Inverting po = Nv exp[-(EF-Ev)/kT] gives EF - Ev = kT ln(Nv/po) For p-type material: EF - Ev = kT ln(Nv/Na) L05 08Sep10
EF relative to Efi Letting ni = no gives Ef = Efi ni = Nc exp[-(Ec-Efi)/kT], so Ec - Efi = kT ln(Nc/ni). Thus EF - Efi = kT ln(no/ni) and for n-type EF - Efi = kT ln(Nd/ni) Likewise Efi - EF = kT ln(po/ni) and for p-type Efi - EF = kT ln(Na/ni) L05 08Sep10
Locating Efi in the bandgap
Since Ec - Efi = kT ln(Nc/ni), and Efi - Ev = kT ln(Nv/ni) The 1st equation minus the 2nd gives Efi = (Ec + Ev)/2 - (kT/2) ln(Nc/Nv) Since Nc = 2.8E19cm-3 > 1.04E19cm-3 = Nv, the intrinsic Fermi level lies below the middle of the band gap L05 08Sep10
Sample calculations Efi = (Ec + Ev)/2 - (kT/2) ln(Nc/Nv), so at 300K, kT = meV and Nc/Nv = 2.8/1.04, Efi is 12.8 meV or 1.1% below mid-band For Nd = 3E17cm-3, given that Ec - EF = kT ln(Nc/Nd), we have Ec - EF = meV ln(280/3), Ec - EF = eV =117meV ~3x(Ec - ED) what Nd gives Ec-EF =Ec/3 L05 08Sep10
Equilibrium electron conc. and energies
L05 08Sep10
Equilibrium hole conc. and energies
L05 08Sep10
vx = axt = (qEx/m*)t, and the displ
Carrier Mobility In an electric field, Ex, the velocity (since ax = Fx/m* = qEx/m*) is vx = axt = (qEx/m*)t, and the displ x = (qEx/m*)t2/2 If every tcoll, a collision occurs which “resets” the velocity to <vx(tcoll)> = 0, then <vx> = qExtcoll/m* = mEx L05 08Sep10
Carrier mobility (cont.)
The response function m is the mobility. The mean time between collisions, tcoll, may has several important causal events: Thermal vibrations, donor- or acceptor-like traps and lattice imperfections to name a few. Hence mthermal = qtthermal/m*, etc. L05 08Sep10
Carrier mobility (cont.)
If the rate of a single contribution to the scattering is 1/ti, then the total scattering rate, 1/tcoll is L05 08Sep10
Figure (p. 31 M&K) Electron and hole mobilities in silicon at 300 K as functions of the total dopant concentration. The values plotted are the results of curve fitting measurements from several sources. The mobility curves can be generated using Equation with the following values of the parameters [3] (see table on next slide). L05 08Sep10
Parameter Arsenic Phosphorus Boron
μmin 52.2 68.5 44.9 μmax 1417 1414 470.5 Nref 9.68 X 1016 9.20 X 1016 2.23 X 1017 α 0.680 0.711 0.719 Figure (cont. M&K) L05 08Sep10
Drift Current The drift current density (amp/cm2) is given by the point form of Ohm Law J = (nqmn+pqmp)(Exi+ Eyj+ Ezk), so J = (sn + sp)E = sE, where s = nqmn+pqmp defines the conductivity The net current is L05 08Sep10
Drift current resistance
Given: a semiconductor resistor with length, l, and cross-section, A. What is the resistance? As stated previously, the conductivity, s = nqmn + pqmp So the resistivity, r = 1/s = 1/(nqmn + pqmp) L05 08Sep10
Drift current resistance (cont.)
Consequently, since R = rl/A R = (nqmn + pqmp)-1(l/A) For n >> p, (an n-type extrinsic s/c) R = l/(nqmnA) For p >> n, (a p-type extrinsic s/c) R = l/(pqmpA) L05 08Sep10
Drift current resistance (cont.)
Note: for an extrinsic semiconductor and multiple scattering mechanisms, since R = l/(nqmnA) or l/(pqmpA), and (mn or p total)-1 = S mi-1, then Rtotal = S Ri (series Rs) The individual scattering mechanisms are: Lattice, ionized impurity, etc. L05 08Sep10
Net intrinsic mobility
Considering only lattice scattering L05 08Sep10
Lattice mobility The mlattice is the lattice scattering mobility due to thermal vibrations Simple theory gives mlattice ~ T-3/2 Experimentally mn,lattice ~ T-n where n = 2.42 for electrons and 2.2 for holes Consequently, the model equation is mlattice(T) = mlattice(300)(T/300)-n L05 08Sep10
Net extrinsic mobility
Considering only lattice and impurity scattering L05 08Sep10
Net silicon extr resistivity (cont.)
Since r = (nqmn + pqmp)-1, and mn > mp, (m = qt/m*) we have rp > rn Note that since 1.6(high conc.) < rp/rn < 3(low conc.), so 1.6(high conc.) < mn/mp < 3(low conc.) L05 08Sep10
Ionized impurity mobility function
The mimpur is the scattering mobility due to ionized impurities Simple theory gives mimpur ~ T3/2/Nimpur Consequently, the model equation is mimpur(T) = mimpur(300)(T/300)3/2 L05 08Sep10
Figure (p. 32 in M&K1) Low-field mobility in silicon as a function of temperature for electrons (a), and for holes (b). The solid lines represent the theoretical predictions for pure lattice scattering [5]. L05 08Sep10
Exp. m(T=300K) model for P, As and B in Si1
L05 08Sep10
Exp. mobility model function for Si1
Parameter As P B mmin mmax Nref e e e17 a L05 08Sep10
Carrier mobility functions (cont.)
The parameter mmax models 1/tlattice the thermal collision rate The parameters mmin, Nref and a model 1/timpur the impurity collision rate The function is approximately of the ideal theoretical form: 1/mtotal = 1/mthermal + 1/mimpurity L05 08Sep10
Carrier mobility functions (ex.)
Let Nd = 1.78E17/cm3 of phosphorous, so mmin = 68.5, mmax = 1414, Nref = 9.20e16 and a = Thus mn = 586 cm2/V-s Let Na = 5.62E17/cm3 of boron, so mmin = 44.9, mmax = 470.5, Nref = 9.68e16 and a = Thus mp = 189 cm2/V-s L05 08Sep10
Net silicon (ex- trinsic) resistivity
Since r = s-1 = (nqmn + pqmp)-1 The net conductivity can be obtained by using the model equation for the mobilities as functions of doping concentrations. The model function gives agreement with the measured s(Nimpur) L05 08Sep10
Figure (p. 29) M&K Dopant density versus resistivity at 23°C (296 K) for silicon doped with phosphorus and with boron. The curves can be used with little error to represent conditions at 300 K. [W. R. Thurber, R. L. Mattis, and Y. M. Liu, National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 400–64, 42 (May 1981).] L05 08Sep10
Net silicon extr resistivity (cont.)
Since r = (nqmn + pqmp)-1, and mn > mp, (m = qt/m*) we have rp > rn, for the same NI Note that since 1.6(high conc.) < rp/rn < 3(low conc.), so 1.6(high conc.) < mn/mp < 3(low conc.) L05 08Sep10
Net silicon (com- pensated) res.
For an n-type (n >> p) compensated semiconductor, r = (nqmn)-1 But now n = N Nd - Na, and the mobility must be considered to be determined by the total ionized impurity scattering Nd + Na NI Consequently, a good estimate is r = (nqmn)-1 = [Nqmn(NI)]-1 L05 08Sep10
Figure (p. 31 M&K) Electron and hole mobilities in silicon at 300 K as functions of the total dopant concentration. The values plotted are the results of curve fitting measurements from several sources. The mobility curves can be generated using Equation with the following values of the parameters [3] (see table on next slide). L05 08Sep10
Summary The concept of mobility introduced as a response function to the electric field in establishing a drift current Resistivity and conductivity defined Model equation def for m(Nd,Na,T) Resistivity models developed for extrinsic and compensated materials L05 08Sep10
Equipartition theorem
The thermodynamic energy per degree of freedom is kT/2 Consequently, L05 08Sep10
Carrier velocity saturation1
The mobility relationship v = mE is limited to “low” fields v < vth = (3kT/m*)1/2 defines “low” v = moE[1+(E/Ec)b]-1/b, mo = v1/Ec for Si parameter electrons holes v1 (cm/s) E9 T E8 T-0.52 Ec (V/cm) T T1.68 b E-2 T T0.17 L05 08Sep10
Carrier velocity2 carrier velocity vs E for Si, Ge, and GaAs (after
Sze2) L05 08Sep10
Carrier velocity saturation (cont.)
At 300K, for electrons, mo = v1/Ec = 1.53E9(300)-0.87/1.01(300) = 1504 cm2/V-s, the low-field mobility The maximum velocity (300K) is vsat = moEc = v1 = 1.53E9 (300) = 1.07E7 cm/s L05 08Sep10
Diffusion of carriers In a gradient of electrons or holes, p and n are not zero Diffusion current,`J =`Jp +`Jn (note Dp and Dn are diffusion coefficients) L05 08Sep10
Diffusion of carriers (cont.)
Note (p)x has the magnitude of dp/dx and points in the direction of increasing p (uphill) The diffusion current points in the direction of decreasing p or n (downhill) and hence the - sign in the definition of`Jp and the + sign in the definition of`Jn L05 08Sep10
Diffusion of Carriers (cont.)
L05 08Sep10
Current density components
L05 08Sep10
Total current density L05 08Sep10
Doping gradient induced E-field
If N = Nd-Na = N(x), then so is Ef-Efi Define f = (Ef-Efi)/q = (kT/q)ln(no/ni) For equilibrium, Efi = constant, but for dN/dx not equal to zero, Ex = -df/dx =- [d(Ef-Efi)/dx](kT/q) = -(kT/q) d[ln(no/ni)]/dx = -(kT/q) (1/no)[dno/dx] = -(kT/q) (1/N)[dN/dx], N > 0 L05 08Sep10
Induced E-field (continued)
Let Vt = kT/q, then since nopo = ni2 gives no/ni = ni/po Ex = - Vt d[ln(no/ni)]/dx = - Vt d[ln(ni/po)]/dx = - Vt d[ln(ni/|N|)]/dx, N = -Na < 0 Ex = - Vt (-1/po)dpo/dx = Vt(1/po)dpo/dx = Vt(1/Na)dNa/dx L05 08Sep10
The Einstein relationship
For Ex = - Vt (1/no)dno/dx, and Jn,x = nqmnEx + qDn(dn/dx) = 0 This requires that nqmn[Vt (1/n)dn/dx] = qDn(dn/dx) Which is satisfied if L05 08Sep10
References *Fundamentals of Semiconductor Theory and Device Physics, by Shyh Wang, Prentice Hall, 1989. **Semiconductor Physics & Devices, by Donald A. Neamen, 2nd ed., Irwin, Chicago. M&K = Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits, 3rd ed., by Richard S. Muller, Theodore I. Kamins, and Mansun Chan, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2003. L05 08Sep10
References M&K and 1Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits, 2 ed., by Muller and Kamins, Wiley, New York, 1986. See Semiconductor Device Fundamen-tals, by Pierret, Addison-Wesley, 1996, for another treatment of the m model. 2Physics of Semiconductor Devices, by S. M. Sze, Wiley, New York, 1981. L05 08Sep10
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