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2) How do you find the mass of a weird object like water?

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1 2) How do you find the mass of a weird object like water?
Do Now 9/18 1) What unit do you measure mass in? 2) How do you find the mass of a weird object like water?

2 Measurement of Volume Notes #
1) The volume of an object is the amount of space it takes up. To measure the volume of a liquid you will use unit of measure known as the liter (L) One liter is about the volume of a medium sized carton of milk. Smaller volumes are measured in milliliters. Drinks bottles and the amount of liquid in small containers are measured in milliliters. Gasolines in car or large barrels of liquids are measured in kiloliters.

3 2) You will often measure the volume of liquids in a graduated cylinder. To read a graduated cylinder you need to follow several steps. First, check the marks on the graduated cylinder to se how many sections there are and what they measure. Second, look at the level of the liquid at eye level. You should look for the MENISCUS. A meniscus is how the water looks curved in the cylinder. Third, look at the bottom of the meniscus to measure the amount of liquid in the cylinder.

4 3) Things to remember. You must look at the bottom of the meniscus
3) Things to remember. You must look at the bottom of the meniscus. Also, different graduated cylinders use different markings so be aware of what each line’s measurement is. Finally, you might have to estimate if the liquid measurement is between two lines.

5 Volume Notes Meniscus Measuring Rules Volume Units Used Definition


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