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Why Does Culture Change? 1.9

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1 Why Does Culture Change? 1.9
NL Studies 2205

2 Introduction Culture is always changing and evolving
Changes have occurred due to the influence of ideas & innovations that have spread worldwide through communication & transportation systems Time – space compression: interactions between cultures occur more often & change happens more frequently than ever before

3 Why does Culture Change?
There are three general ways that culture changes: Innovation Diffusion Large-scale interactions

4 1. Innovation Refers to the emergence of new ideas, objects, or techniques Sometimes it involves a new way of using an existing object Sometimes it represents the creation of something entirely new Occurs in response to a need or want

5 1. Innovation Cultural Hearth: used to describe the location where an innovation first appeared before it spread to other areas The cod net is an example of an innovation that impacted culture of our province. (One ‘haul’ of a fleet of cod nets could yield as much as a single fisher without nets might harvest in a single year)

6 2. Diffusion This type of change occurs when an idea, object, or technique is introduced to a culture from an external source When a person travels to a different area & returns with the innovation or when someone with a different cultural background moves into an area Also describes the process of an innovation spreading within a particular culture

7 2. Diffusion A negative example of diffusion is the spread of the Spanish Flu in This disease, which killed over 600 people in our province arrived here from Europe on cargo ships The effects were particularly devastating in Labrador where the disease killed 1/3 of the Inuit population & forced some communities out of existence

8 3. Large-scale Interactions
When two cultures interact, their respective cultures will be altered (change may vary) Acculturation: describes the experiences of one culture dominating another culture (radical change occurs to the minority culture)….Residential Schools in Canada. Transculturation: When two cultures interact and there is a relatively equal change in both groups







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