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TITLEWAVE TitleWise The Titlewise that librarians currently see lack two main components: 1. eBooks & digital data and 2. circulation statistics. Circulation.

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Presentation on theme: "TITLEWAVE TitleWise The Titlewise that librarians currently see lack two main components: 1. eBooks & digital data and 2. circulation statistics. Circulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 TITLEWAVE TitleWise The Titlewise that librarians currently see lack two main components: 1. eBooks & digital data and 2. circulation statistics. Circulation statistics will be available from this school year forward and will be compared to previous school years to analyze trends for both print and digital content.

2 3 tabs to show 1. the entire collection, 2
3 tabs to show 1. the entire collection, 2. just print and audiovisual, and 3. eBooks & Digital. The red and green colors represent whether or not the goal has been met based on district standards for the collection. Circulation statistics will compare to the previous school year.

3 Analysis is visual and shows key components of collection
Analysis is visual and shows key components of collection. Blue hyperlinks can be clicked to show all titles in different categories/classifications. This screen shows collection age by year, as well as a breakdown of aged titles, and those that are 2011 and newer (should be last 5 years and newer moving forward)

4 Age sensitive deweys show specific ranges that require attention and regular weeding. Columns display average age, the number of items in each range, and the number of aged items, also marked with a red dot.


6 Analyze collection by reading levels.

7 Home Screen displaying entire collection data

8 Only print & audiovisual data

9 eBooks & Digital tab that will display items per student as well as circulations per student – great data to start looking at each school year.



12 This screen appears when you click Fiction. Displays all fiction titles. Can change results on left tool bar, and also “Sort by” to look at collection by year, circs, Title, Call No., etc.

13 Clicking “Publication Years” under “Show Results for…” will allow you to look at weeding candidates, or analyze by decade. You can also show results for different interest and reading levels.

14 How to “Sort by” to reorganize the data



17 Example of a list for non-fiction 700s
Example of a list for non-fiction 700s. Displays general information on top, followed by all titles. Can sort in same manner fiction list was orgnanized – by year, circs, title, call no.



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