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Gradual, Incremental Hillslope Transport:

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Presentation on theme: "Gradual, Incremental Hillslope Transport:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gradual, Incremental Hillslope Transport:
Creep 12/6/2018

2 Schedule Conversion of Rock to Regolith on Hillslopes
Soil Transport by Creep on Hillslopes Mass Balance derivation of hillslope profile using Kirkby relation MATLAB numerical example Creep process descriptions Coupled Production and transport 12/6/2018

3 Convex Hillslopes 12/6/2018

4 12/6/2018

5 Terms for discussion 12/6/2018

6 Lecture done largely on the board using notes from Anderson’s Little Book of Geomorphology.
he_little_book_010708_print.pdf 12/6/2018

7 Here are many of the equations from the discussion on the board

8 Closure through Kirkby, 1971
Creep: assume m = 0, n = 1 (W is in negative z direction) 12/6/2018

9 Good questions from Claudio:
-we posit that flux should increase with distance, but the kirkby relation assumes that m = 0, effectively making the flux insensitive to distance and only slope, n and k. Is kirkby still the right way to close these equations? -Next time…do I want to get into the new, non-linear flux equns? 12/6/2018

10 MATLAB Numerical Example
Kirkby relation for flux Numerical solution FTFS, FTCS methods Available Variables Initial Conditions Boundary Conditions Some outcomes 12/6/2018

11 Input Parameters 12/6/2018

12 Initial Conditions (profile)

13 Boundary Condition 1: Constant exit slope. All material carried away.

14 Boundary Condition 2: Lowering at constant rate. Like stream incision.

15 Boundary Condition 3: No flux across last node
Boundary Condition 3: No flux across last node. All material accumulates. 12/6/2018

16 Initial Conditions: Can vary the initial geometry of the surface.
Initial Condition: Linear slope, flat base (moraine or ridgeline) 12/6/2018

17 Initial Conditions: Can vary the initial geometry of the surface.
Initial Condition: Fault Scarp with flat base 12/6/2018

18 Approach to Equilibrium: Can monitor progress toward balance
Y-axis is the ratio of dz/dt (erosion rate at ridgeline) to E (erosion rate at outlet) 12/6/2018

19 Given more time: 12/6/2018

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