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Conclusions: Dipole hypothesis likely OK but not certain

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1 In search of a paleomagnetic “smoking gun” for Precambrian plate tectonics
Conclusions: Dipole hypothesis likely OK but not certain Total terrane motion = TPW + individual motion Smoking gun: Match APW paths and geology

2 TPW on Earth from Evans, 2003 wholesale migration of solid Earth relative to spin axis & mag field (assumed GAD).

3 Richards & Engebretson, 1992 Nature
Complete the observations: geoid, hotspots, subduction zones, and L.M. tomography Richards & Engebretson, 1992 Nature

4 from Evans, 1998, EPSL v.157, p.1-8

5 Supercontinent – TPW predictions

6 TPW legacy

7 A common TPW axis Gondwanaland not assembled until Cambrian. Then why write 700 Ma?

8 Buchan et al., 2000

9 Superior 2.22-1.88 Ga Kaapvaal 2.22-1.87 Ga
2101±2 Ma MOLSON 1880 Ma Buchan et al., 1998 Halls and Heaman, 2000 Kaapvaal Ga De Kock et al., in press

10 Paleomagnetic success story
after McElhinny, 1973

11 Nuna: United Plates of America
Hoffman, 1988

12 Smoking gun at 1.8 Ga New synthesis of Slave+Superior 2.1-2.0 Ga

13 Smoking gun at 1.8 Ga New synthesis of Slave+Superior 2.1-2.0 Ga
Conclusions: Dipole hypothesis likely OK but not certain Total terrane motion = TPW + individual motion Smoking gun: Match APW paths and geology 1.75 Ga

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