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2014 Evaluation Comments Tod Shockey, PhD

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1 2014 Evaluation Comments Tod Shockey, PhD

2 2014, A Successful, Personal Meeting
There is a tremendous amount of emotion in the remarks about individual sessions and the meeting overall: “restore self in respect to understanding your Indigenous self”; “So inspiring!”; “Restorative for me.” The frequent use of “love” throughout Opening the meeting with the Elders and children was a highlight for many. “This is the best place to find and grow your community…”

3 What would say to a person who is thinking about signing up for this conference next year?
“You absolutely MUST attend. This is the most concentrated critical mass of thinkers about Indigenous Research we have in MT – in the US. Absolutely awesome, essential gathering… “ It was excellent – you should go! The speakers were dynamic & varied, the conversations with my fellow participants were inspiring. Rarely have I been around so many like – minded dedicated Indigenous people. Go!

4 “I would say it is a very accessible Indigenous conference with a rich variety of presentations (research topics) that raises interdisciplinary & inter-Indigenous dialogue” I would encourage them to come. This is a wonderful thinking space. Listening to Native scholars share their research is life – changing.

5 Growing Pains The sessions have to stick to the clock
We need three days of AIRA Students want/need time to interact with their bibliography so they can gain richer/deeper understandings Dedicated time for Q & A at sessions conclusions

6 Quit Using Power Points Exclusively
Ironic isn’t it  Please be patient with those of us from the academy, sometimes this is our “comfort zone” Engaging with an audience is a challenge

7 Indigenous Methodologies
Mathematics, what we sometimes “Expect” Bring the IRM to the forefront, be explicit, provide the details Students desire the details, they’re our next generation

8 General Remarks From 2013 Repeated in 2014
Overall 2013 was a success Felt “love” from the greater community in attendance, and many other expressed emotions Meeting their Bibliography Colleagues from higher education repeatedly expressed the influence sessions were having on their thinking about current courses they teach, on the development of new courses, and on the sense of community they felt would support their efforts.

9 Reaffirming – for thinking and current work of participants

10 AIRA 2014 reaffirmed the embracing of participants in the community of Indigenous researchers. Many attendees expressed their satisfaction with their membership in this group of scholars that they felt were there to support them, answer questions, and provide direction in their intellectual and personal journeys.

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