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Working Group 2A ECOSTAT Objectives & Agenda of the meeting March 2005

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Presentation on theme: "Working Group 2A ECOSTAT Objectives & Agenda of the meeting March 2005"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Group 2A ECOSTAT Objectives & Agenda of the meeting 15-16 March 2005

2 Objectives present meeting
Update on intercalibration register Review intercalibration progress Update on other WG A activities: eutrophication activity harmonisation / methods overview activity

3 GIG Milestone 3: Feb-Mar 2005
GIG milestone 3 – Progress report (through GIG questionnaire): First report of boundary setting protocol (including principles to set reference conditions) Overview of data requirements

4 WG2A meeting March 2005 WG2A March 2005: Consistency between GIGs
Agreement on boundary setting protocols - Agreement on data requirements

5 Agenda items (1 - Intercalibration)
Update on Decision on the IC register Composition & Metadata of final IC network Progress of the intercalbration process Rivers Coastal/Transitionsal Lakes Next steps for intercalibration IC reporting and data accessibility Contributions from STAR and REBECCA

6 Agenda items (2 – Other Issues)
Eutrophication Activity Harmonisation Any comments or additions to Agenda?

7 Actions since last meeting (1) (As identified in the minutes of last meeting)
Task initiated after last meeting Who When Final monitoring paper sent to SCG WGLs Oct.04 New mandate for the WG Oct.-04 First error checked metadata files sent to ECOSTAT & GIG experts JRC 25/10/04 Final Intercalibration Guidance endorsed Water Directors Dec. -04 Initiation of a task team on data reporting Dec.-04 IC Resource issue reported to SCG & WD continuosly

8 Actions since last meeting (2)
Task initiated after last meeting Who When IC site list sent to SCG and WFD Committee JRC Jan.-05 Template for IC reporting sent to GIGs JRC/ IC Feb.-05 GIGs reported to JRC/ IC steering group GIGs Draft Eutrophication guidance v7.1 for WG DG ENV/ WGLs 08/03/05 Paper on reporting & accessibility of IC data drafting group First draft of the harmonisation paper Drafting group 09/03/05 Report of the composition of the IC network 15/03/05

9 Actions to be completed (3)
Task initiated after last meeting Who When Evaluate need to update the report on classification tools for coastal and transitional waters COAST experts ??? Proposal for improved consistency in approaches and timetables across the different GIGs WGLs / IC Steering group to be done

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