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Auditorium Class Summer 2014 Lesson 8

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1 Auditorium Class Summer 2014 Lesson 8
1 & 2 Timothy Auditorium Class Summer 2014 Lesson 8

2 1 Timothy Outline Greeting (1:1-2)
Instructions to the House of God (1:3 - 3:16) Warning Against False Doctrine Pray for All Woman’s Role Qualification of Elders/Deacons Instructions to Timothy (4:1 - 6:21) Take Heed to Yourself Be Careful How You Deal with People Beware False Teachers Fight the Good Fight

3 1 Timothy 5:3-16 People discussed in this section: Widow indeed (3)
Widows with relatives (4) Widow who “liveth in pleasure” contrasted with widow indeed (5-6) Christian and duties toward relatives (8,16) Widows indeed again (9,10) Younger widow (11-15) 1-2 - How to reprimand others (Older men, younger men, older women, younger women) Care of widows and relatives 17-20 – Treatment of Elders

4 1 Timothy 5:3-16 Honor widows that are really widows (5:3)
Honor – Respect, sometimes financial support Matt. 15:4-6 “Really widows” or “widows indeed” Must meet certain criteria If she has children or grandchildren then they should… (5:4) Show piety at home Repay their parents Eph. 6:1-2 Honor – show respect to an object b/c of its value, sometimes involving financial or temporal support Verse implies the financial aspect of the word honor in the passage Matt. 5:4-6 – Jesus condemns the scribes and Pharisees about not honoring their father and mother, instead giving more to God Grandchildren is sometimes translated nephew If she is indeed a widow “it suggests that such relief is not to be dealt to them as paupers, in a manner to degrade them, but as to Christians whom the church holds in honor.” Piety – to show reverence towards any to whom dutiful regard is due. Children are to repay their parents the debt they owe, as far as possible, for their kindness. This is a debt that can never be paid in full, but children should feel glad for the opportunity to go as far as possible. This is not only a privilege, but acceptable to God.

5 1 Timothy 5:3-16 Now she who is: (5:5)
Really a widow Left alone Trusts in God Continues in prayers/supplications night and day But she that lives in pleasure is dead (5:6) One who lives to please themselves Physically alive, but spiritually dead Eph 2:1 “Now” draws a contrast between the widow in verse 4 (widows with family) and verse (widows indeed). Expounds more on what characteristics a widow indeed has and contrasts an unworthy widow. “left alone” or desolate puts more emphasis on the fact that this person has no one to help take care of them “trusts in God” perfect tense in Greek, implies a past completed process having present results, sometimes permanent results. Her hope in God is a habit of life. Immovable trust These things (desolate, trusts in God, continues in prayer/supplication) imply she has no one to look to but God, the lack of others leads her to feel her dependence on God. “living in pleasure” identifies one who lives for self, fulfilling bodily appetites, eating, drinking and demanding the dainties of life. Sharp contrast to the “widow indeed” whose goal is to please God. Opposite of the widow drawing near to God. “dead while she lives” physically alive, but spiritually dead Eph. 2:1 – “dead in trespasses and sin”

6 1 Timothy 5:3-16 These command so they may be blameless(5:7)
Charge the church to take care of the widows so they may be without blame Not providing for your own is worse than unbeliever (5:8) Christian responsible for widows in their family If they don’t they “deny the faith” Even unbelievers know to care for their family “These things” – refers to the duties just mentioned in These doctrines must continually be taught to young and old (entire church) to keep the church pure in doctrine and practice and make sure we are not pampering to the idleness in those able to take care of themselves. Context is referring to taking care of the widows in their respective families. Not doing this is serious! Says not doing this is denying the faith, or “failed to live up to the standards or demands of the gospel of Christ. Faith used to refer to the gospel Jude 3 - …contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. Acts 6:7 – “…and a great many of the priests were obedient to the faith” Unbelievers even care for their family, so Christians that don’t are falling short of even what unbelievers do.

7 1 Timothy 5:3-16 Requirement of widows that the church can “take in” (5:9-10) 60 or older Wife of one man Well reported for good works Raised children Lodged strangers Washed saints feet Relieved the afflicted Diligently followed every good work This section puts some requirements on those that can be “taken into the number” “Taken into the number” – enrolled katalego in Greek, kata “to pick out”, lego “down”, thus “to select and write down in a register or a list” This is a list of widows indeed that the church is supporting in a permanent capacity Widows were a deep concern for the church from early on (Acts 6) Acts 6 – Grecian widows were being neglected and this concerned the church greatly Authorities point out that, as a rule, widows in that culture were far more desolate and helpless than in our modern day Under 60 – doesn’t really tell us the reasoning behind this except to contrast the desires and actions of older and younger widows in the next few verses. Wife of one man – not a bigamist or adulterer Similar to elders “husband of one wife” (3:2, 12) Strange if Paul were barring a widow who had married twice from the benefits of the widow indeed when he recommends the younger women to remarry (14) Well reported of good works – her reputation is what the life of a Christian should be Good works – denotes all kinds of good actions and it is required of all of us Matt. 5:16 “let your light shine so they your good works…” Raised children – most imply that this means the children are “well behaved and a credit to their mother” and not just someone that has children Lodged strangers – must be hospitable Requirement of elders (3:2, Tit. 1:8) and all Christians (1 Pet. 4:9, Heb. 13:2) Washed saints feet – common act of that day b/c of travelling conditions, Shows one willing to serve others (Jesus’ example in John 13:4-15) Relieved the afflicted – sympathizing spirit and one who is ready to relieve those in distress Diligently followed every good work - extends the list of good works already specified to include all others as opportunity arises.

8 1 Timothy 5:3-16 Refuse younger widows because they(5:11-13)
Will desire to marry Have condemnation for casting off their first faith Will learn to be idle Will be gossips and busybodies Therefore, younger widows should (5:14) Marry Bear children Manage the home Give no opportunity to the adversary to speak reproach Younger than 60 is implied here. Refuse - means do not add them to the list of widows to provide support for. “When they have begun to grow wanton (waxed wanton) against Christ” – seems to imply they will surrender themselves to a carnal and luxurious course of life as opposed to the claims and calling of Christ. The younger widows will likely have a lack of maturity, patience, and power of restraint. And will Desire to marry – does not condemn this actually encourages it (14), just stating a fact Have condemnation for casting off their first faith – these are the ones that have yielded to the temptations mentioned above, thereby transgressing God’s law. The result of this sin is of course condemnation. Learn to be idle, gossips and busybodies– wandering from house to house with no purpose but to gossip and be busybodies. Tattler is one of the words here – “a trifling silly talker” “to indulge in empty and foolish talk” Busybody – “some overbusied with others business or affairs” “meddling in others affairs” To avoid these things Paul wishes the younger widows would marry and take on the normal God given role/duties of women

9 1 Timothy 5:3-16 Some have already turned to Satan (5:15)
Believers should care for their own (5:16) So church will not be burdened So church can focus on the widows indeed Apparently some of the widows had yielded to temptation and turned to Satan. Repeats the fact that Christians are responsible for supporting their widows See a difference between individual duties and what God has ordained for his church.

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