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Presentation on theme: "Title SINGLE POINT LESSON"— Presentation transcript:

RATIONALE: Here is where you should type a concise and comprehensive sentence about why the SPL is needed. Font should be purple. THIS SHOULD BE YOUR EYE- CATCHING SENTENCE THAT SAYS WHY YOUR SPL IS OF GRAVE IMPORTANCE! Important Points to Remember: Here is where you should type your key points for your readers to remember. Font should be purple. Single Point Lessons are quick, straight to the point tools for sharing information on a single topic. They can be used in a variety of settings: in communication books, for stand up change of shift huddles or ed to staff easily. The Title font color, uppermost left and lower box outline colors indicate the urgency of the message: GREEN – routine update YELLOW / GOLD – urgent update RED – change is in effect immediately Think of it as Just In Time education Remember to cite your references and quick takeaways for team members to remember at the left If you need help, please contact any of the Core Education team for assistance. IMAGES CAN BE PLACED IN THIS CENTRAL AREA Distribution: Here is where you should type who the SPL pertains to, the date, and when effective. Font should be black.

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