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Thank you for agreeing to complete the Benchmarks of Quality

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1 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support Benchmarks of Quality (BOQ)
Thank you for agreeing to complete the Benchmarks of Quality During this training, I will walk you through the process of completing the benchmarks 12/6/2018 BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

2 Objectives for Training
Introduce the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) Understand how to complete the BoQ Understand how to use results of the BoQ BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

3 Needs To Be Able To… Assess annually a team’s universal implementation
Provide feedback to team Clarify outcomes as related to implementation and action plan around these outcomes Distinguish model schools BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

4 Big Ideas Around the BoQ
Ask yourself: Am I an active member of the team and feel confident in my ability to lead the team through the BoQ process? Remember: The final score should reflect the whole team’s input The tool guides the team to have discussions around individual items and allows for communication and clarification by all through the team discussions and coming to some consensus around discrepancies. BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

5 BOQ The total possible point total on the BoQ is now 107 (previous version had a total of 100 points)

6 Benchmarks of Quality Identified items aligned with SWPBS training process 53 items (critical elements) addressing areas of: Faculty commitment Effective procedures for dealing with discipline Data entry and analysis plan established Expectations and rules developed Reward/recognition program established Lesson plans for teaching Implementation plan Classroom systems Evaluation BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

7 BoQ and the PBIS Evaluation Process
70% on BoQ = Fidelity at Universal Tier 1 BoQ needs to be completed one time per year, between November and April, for consideration of recognition If at anytime after achieving a 70 on the BoQ, a school subsequently scores below a 70, they would need to use the TIC again in addition to the BoQ. BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

8 Completing the Benchmarks

9 Benchmark of Quality Materials
Benchmarks of Quality SCORING GUIDE* School-wide Benchmarks of Quality SCORING FORM Benchmarks of Quality TEAM SUMMARY School-wide Benchmarks of Quality TEAM MEMBER RATING FORM TALLY SHEET Additional Tool: MULTI-TIERED ACTION PLAN All materials can be downloaded from the AISD-Safe and Secure Schools website For purposes of clarification regarding these attachments. There were only 4 attachments sent out, the Team Summary is actually pg 3 of the Scoring Form. Take a minute to pull out each of these forms 1. The Team Member Rating form (columns say –in place, needs improvement, not in place) This is the form for the team members to complete. 2. Scoring Form (columns with numbers) this is the form for the coach or designated person to complete 3. Scoring Guide this is the packet to help guide your decisions about which rating to chose BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

10 BoQ Directions for Internal Coaches
BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

11 Completion of BoQ Step 1 – Internal Coach Rating
The internal coach will take the “BENCHMARKS SCORING GUIDE” (rubric) and answer each question by circling where they believe their team is implementing on the guide. The internal coach’s answers will then be transferred to “Step 1” of the “BENCHMARKS SCORING FORM” by circling the number that corresponds to each answer. Need: Scoring Guide and Scoring Form in front of you. Please also have the directions to follow along. Rationale: The rubric serves as the reliability tool for the process, ensuring that the final answers are consistent with other schools taking the BoQ. The Rubric is not shared initially with the other team members only due to the efficiency of the process. BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

12 Benchmark Practice: SCORING GUIDE
3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points 1.) Team has administrative support Administrator(s) attended training, play an active role in the PBS process, actively communicate their commitment, support the decisions of the PBS Team, and attend all team meetings. Administrator(s) support the process, take as active a role as the rest of the team, and/or attend most meetings. Administrator(s) support the process but don’t take as active a role as the rest of the team, and/or attends only a few meetings. Administrator(s) do not actively support the PBS process. 2.) Team has regular meetings (at least monthly) Team meets monthly (min. of 9 one-hour meetings each school year) Team meetings are not consistent (5-8) monthly meetings each school year Team seldom meets (fewer than five monthly meetings during the school year)

13 Benchmarks Practice: SCORING FORM
Critical Elements STEP 1 STEP 2 ++, +, or _ STEP 3 PBS Team 1. Team has administrative support 3 2 1 2. Team has regular meetings (at least monthly) 3. Team has established a clear mission/purpose BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

14 Two Ways to Complete Team Member Rating Forms
Recommended for efficiency: team members complete the Team Member Rating Form individually prior to a team meeting Time is allotted for team members to complete the Team Member Rating Form at the beginning of the team meeting Regardless of how you roll out the BoQ process with your team, it is helpful to quickly look over all 53 questions with your team members and clarify any questions/concerns before they complete the Team Member Rating Form

15 Completion of BoQ Step 2 – Team Member Rating
The internal coach will then ask their building’s school-wide team members to complete the Benchmarks of Quality “TEAM MEMBER RATING FORM” independently and return it to the coach upon completion. Each team member needs to answer all 53 items. ++ = In Place + = Needs Improvement - = Not in Place BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

16 Benchmarks Practice: TEAM MEMBER RATING FORM
Critical Elements Benchmarks of Quality In Place (++) Needs Improve-ment (+) Not In Place (-) PBS Team 1. Team has administrative support 2. Team has regular meetings (at least monthly) Check One BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

17 Completion of BoQ The internal coach will tally all “TEAM MEMBER RATING FORMS” on the “TALLY SHEET”. Then the internal coach will take the tallies and add to the “BENCHMARKS SCORING FORM”, Step 2” by indicating the team members’ frequency score, denoting a (++) for “in place”, (+) for “needs improvement” or (-) for “not in place”.

18 Team Member #1 Team Member #2 Team Member #3 Critical Elements
Benchmarks of Quality In Place (++) Needs Improve-ment (+) Not In Place (-) PBS Team 1. Team has administrative support 2. Team has regular meetings (at least monthly) Team Member #1 Critical Elements Benchmarks of Quality In Place (++) Needs Improve-ment (+) Not In Place (-) PBS Team 1. Team has administrative support 2. Team has regular meetings (at least monthly) Team Member #2 Critical Elements Benchmarks of Quality In Place (++) Needs Improve-ment (+) Not In Place (-) PBS Team 1. Team has administrator support 2. Team has regular meetings (at least monthly) Team Member #3

19 Benchmarks Practice: Team Member TALLY FORM
I I l

20 Benchmarks Practice: SCORING FORM
Critical Elements STEP 1 STEP 2 ++, +, or _ STEP 3 PBS Team 1. Team has administrative support 3 2 1 + 2. Team has regular meetings (at least monthly) ++ 3. Team has established a clear mission/purpose BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

21 Completion of BoQ Step 3 – Team Report
The internal coach will then complete “Step 3” on the “BENCHMARKS SCORING FORM”, noting with a check mark any discrepancies between the internal coach’s score and the team frequency score. The coach will then complete the “BENCHMARKS OF QUALITY TEAM SUMMARY” recording areas of discrepancy, strengths and weaknesses. The coach will compute the overall BoQ score Discrepancies: 1.) A disagreement between the team’s most frequent (mode) response and that of the internal coach OR 2.) A broad disagreement between the responses of the individual team members (not a majority). BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

22 Two Types of Discrepancies
1.) When the internal coach’s score differs from the team’s score 2.) When the team members’ answers on the TALLY FORM are split evenly across the board and there is not one clear answer

23 Benchmarks Practice: SCORING FORM
Example of Discrepancy #1 Critical Elements STEP 1 STEP 2 ++, +, or _ STEP 3 PBS Team 1. Team has administrative support 3 2 1 + 2. Team has regular meetings (at least monthly) ++ 3. Team has established a clear mission/purpose BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

24 Team Member TALLY FORM Example of Discrepancy #2

25 Benchmarks Practice: TEAM SUMMARY
Areas of Discrepancy Item # Team Response Coach’s Score Scoring Guide Description 1 + Administrator is active member of team Areas of Strength Critical Element Description of Areas of Strength Areas in Need of Development Critical Element Description of Areas in Need of Development

26 Benchmarks Practice: TEAM SUMMARY
Areas of Discrepancy Item # Team Response Coach’s Score Scoring Guide Description 1 + Administrator is active member of team Areas of Strength Critical Element Description of Areas of Strength PBIS Team Team has regularly scheduled meetings Areas in Need of Development Critical Element Description of Areas in Need of Development PBIS Team Need Administrative presence at every meeting

27 Computing the Overall BoQ Score
Once the internal coach has addressed all discrepancies and adjusted the SCORING FORM, he/she adds all of the points from questions 1 through 53 (in “Step 1”) together. This is the total score. Take the total score, divide by 107 and multiply by 100. This is your overall percentage on the BoQ. Remember that a score of 70% shows fidelity in universal implementation

28 Benchmarks Next Steps The internal coach will then take the “BENCHMARKS OF QUALITY TEAM SUMMARY” and share the results with their team. Strengths are celebrated and areas of need can be addressed through the Team Implementation Checklist Action Plan and/or MAP. External coaches should be part of the process at this point, if they have not already been included. How will you share strengths with the team? The school? What potential roadblocks do you anticipate when sharing areas of need with your team? The school? BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

29 Multi-Tiered Action Plan
Tier/Topic Evidence/ Data Action Who? When? 1/Admin Mtg. min, hasn’t attended this year Change mtg day Mr. Jones By 11/30/08 Next Steps

30 PBS Assessment - BoQ Report Overall Scores

31 PBS Assessment - BoQ Report Critical Elements

32 Nikki Marie Reid, LMSW Aldine ISD c/o Safe and Secure Schools
More Questions? For additional information and support on completing and/or using the data from the BoQ contact: Nikki Marie Reid, LMSW Aldine ISD c/o Safe and Secure Schools 2114 Aldine Meadows Houston, TX 77032 If you have questions about other aspects of the Benchmarks process, contact myself, your TAC or the person designated to lead this project. BoQ Training for Illinois Coaches 2008

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