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Hardy –Weinberg Investigation 2

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1 Hardy –Weinberg Investigation 2
Battling Beetles- Lab Journal

2 Worksheet 1 3. q=.2; p=.8, 2pq=.32 4. 46.8%, p2= .14 5. q2=0.0025
8. homozygous dominant individuals= 125, hetrozygous individuals= 250 9. homozygous dominant (straight thumb)=90, heterozygous (straight thumb)= 420, Hitchiker’s thumb= 490

3 Think….Write… Think about the term Natural selection
Write down as many terms as you associate with this term You have 2 minutes go

4 Teams of 3 Assign the following roles
Analyzer- will examine the 3 lists and highlight common terms Recorder- compiles 2 lists one of shared terms and one of unique terms (these are terms that might be shared by 2 of the team but not all 30 Reporter- will after group discussion report to the class the 2 terms that the group should be included on a group list of terms related to Natural selection

5 Discuss which of these cartoon characters provides best explanation and why.

6 OPENER What is evolution?
What are the basic principles of evolution by natural selection? Are there other mechanisms of evolution? If so, (hint there are) describe them.

7 Scenario 1- Ideal model Generation AA Aa aa 1 18 2 5 7 6 3 12 4 10 9 8
18 2 5 7 6 3 12 4 10 9 8 Calculate the new p and q values at the end of Generation 7. Is this population evolving? Justify your response.

8 Scenario 2- Selection model
Generation AA Aa aa 1 18 2 4 14 3 5 13 6 12 7 Calculate the new p and q values at the end of Generation 7. Is this population evolving? Justify your response.

9 Scenario 3- Small populations model
Generation AA Aa aa 1 8 2 4 3 5 Generation AA Aa aa 1 10 2 5 3 7 4 Calculate the new p and q values at the end of Generation 5 for each population. Is this population evolving? Justify your response.

10 Opener In humans, unattached earlobes are dominant, and attached earlobes are recessive. In China, it is reported that 64% of the population exhibit unattached earlobes. Question A: What percentage of the Chinese population exhibit attached earlobes? Question B: What is the frequency of the recessive (attached earlobe) allele in the Chinese population? Question C: What is the frequency of the dominant (unattached earlobe) allele in the Chinese population? Question D: What percentage of the Chinese population are homozygous for the dominant allele (unattached earlobe)? Question E: What percentage of the Chinese population are heterozygous for the earlobe allele?

11 Scenario 4- Sexual Selection Model
Generation AA Aa aa 1 18 2 3 4 5 6 7 Calculate the new p and q values at the end of Generation 7. Is this population evolving? Justify your response.

12 Now let’s go back and examine the consequences of each scenario
Is there a change in the allelic frequencies? Is evolution occurring Model 1 – Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

13 Mathematical Modeling: Hardy -Weinberg
Complete Part 1- Battling Beetles Watch this video Part 2 – the Heterozygous Advantage – Malaria and Sickle Cell Part 3 – Class activity- mathematical modeling of HW and what happens when we manipulate or violate the 5 conditions Part 4 – Using Excel to model H-W and populations.

14 Creating a Lab Journal The purpose of a lab journal is to keep a complete record of all lab activities in this class.

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