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Executive, Legislative, Judicial

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Presentation on theme: "Executive, Legislative, Judicial"— Presentation transcript:

1 Executive, Legislative, Judicial
A Guide to Canadian Government

2 Executive Branch Consists of Governor General, PM, Cabinet
Duty of Executive branch is to carry out and enforce laws

3 Governor General appointed by PM ceremonial duties
signs all bills to make them law reads out the throne speech

4 PM appoints Governor General
appoints most senators, entire bureaucracy of the Canadian Government can dissolve parliament

5 Cabinet Members picked by PM decide on the governments major policies

6 Legislative Branch Consists of Queen, House of Commons, Senate

7 House of Commons elected in constituency or riding
# of each province corresponds to that provinces share of the total population major job is to create bills to be passed into new laws

8 Senate appointed by PM Sober second thought for bills
Remain in office until retirement

9 Judicial Branch Consists of Supreme Court, Federal Courts, Provincial Courts Supreme Court last court of appeal final word Federal Court - Usually deals with more serious cases

10 Judicial Provincial Court settle civil disputes
people charged with lawbreaking Two most important kinds of law are Criminal law and Civil Law Criminal Law actions considered to be crimes against the community Civil Law property and civil rights e.g. Divorce, wills

11 Canadian Government

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