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Understanding Homosexuality

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1 Understanding Homosexuality
Sue Bohlin Probe Ministries

2 LIE #1: “Homosexuality is normal and healthy.”
Engaging in homosexual activity puts you at high risk for: AIDS A much higher risk of STDs Roughly three times the rate of alcoholism and drug abuse Psychiatric problems, including suicide Much more promiscuity and domestic abuse Shortened life span These problems don’t decrease in gay-friendly places (San Francisco, Holland)

3 LIE #2: “Being attracted to the same sex means you’re gay or lesbian.”
Crushes are a normal part of adolescent development Mom >> Dad >> Same-sex peers >> Opposite sex peers Strong attractions = YOU NEED TO FINISH GROWING UP

4 LIE #3: “Since you were born that way, you can't change.”
No evidence of anyone being born gay Many people can tell you they have changed Corinthian church: “Such were some of you.” “Decide early if you’re gay, straight or bi” Minnesota study: Age 12: One-fourth are unsure of their sexual orientation Age 17: 5% are unsure 3 out of 4 boys who think they’re gay at age 16, aren’t by 25. (Dr. Jeffrey Satinover)

5 LIE #4: “Embrace and celebrate your gay identity because gay life is cool.”
Just because you question your feelings and sexual identity as a teen doesn't mean that you must be gay. Homosexuality has profound physical, spiritual, emotional and psychological consequences. It’s not like trying a new flavor of ice cream

6 Why Some Teens Experiment with Gay/Lesbian Relationships
Normal crushes on same-sex friends Emotional dependency Need to belong Simple curiosity Others have labeled them: trying it on Anxiety about growing into adolescence and the responsibilities of adulthood Spiritual Warfare!

7 Boys Attracted to Other Boys
Unmet need for connection with dad Unmet need for connection with other boys Disconnection with his masculinity 1/3 to 1/2 - sexual abuse

8 Girls Attracted to Other Girls
Unmet need for connection with mom Unmet need for connection with other girls Disconnection with her femininity At least 2/3 - sexual abuse They act as if they were (“lesbian chic”), and then a habit develops

9 “I Don’t Understand My Feelings and Desires”
Gender insecurity Age 10: attraction for the same sex begins Emotional Non-sexual Involuntary

10 “I Don’t Understand My Feelings and Desires”
With sexual maturity, hormones (esp. testosterone) can eroticize God-given needs for: Attention Affection Approval

11 “I Don’t Understand My Feelings and Desires”
WHAT TO DO: Invite Jesus into your longings, your desires, your dark and hurting places, your unmet needs Pursue healthy same-sex friendships Don’t keep it a secret!

12 “I Don’t Get this Whole Gay/Lesbian Thing”
Be compassionate You don’t know who’s struggling because they’re keeping it private. Same-sex strugglers are wounded people. Be a grace giver Those with SSA have been lied to. Pray for them to see the truth.

13 “I Don’t Get this Whole Gay/Lesbian Thing”
Be respectful. No gay jokes (e.g., “That’s so gay!”) Don’t throw around words like “homo” or “fag” or “lez”

14 Jesus loves people who struggle with same-sex attraction

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