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Geological Society, London, Memoirs

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1 Geological Society, London, Memoirs
Chapter 26 Consequences of long-term volcanic activity for essential services in Montserrat: challenges, adaptations and resilience by V. Sword-Daniels, T. M. Wilson, S. Sargeant, T. Rossetto, J. Twigg, D. M. Johnston, S. C. Loughlin, and P. D. Cole Geological Society, London, Memoirs Volume 39(1): June 2, 2014 © 2014 The Authors

2 Current Hazard Level system, updated 4 November 2011 (MVO 2012).
Current Hazard Level system, updated 4 November 2011 (MVO 2012). As the Hazard Level changes, access restrictions change, reflected by a change in zone colour: green zones have unrestricted access; yellow are daytime access; orange has controlled access; and red is only accessible to essential workers. V. Sword-Daniels et al. Geological Society, London, Memoirs 2014;39: © 2014 The Authors

3 Map of Montserrat with village locations marked.
Map of Montserrat with village locations marked. The locations of essential service sectors included in the interview sample are also shown. V. Sword-Daniels et al. Geological Society, London, Memoirs 2014;39: © 2014 The Authors

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