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Secondary Version Michele and Shelli Presented by: Randy LaFoy.

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Presentation on theme: "Secondary Version Michele and Shelli Presented by: Randy LaFoy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secondary Version Michele and Shelli Presented by: Randy LaFoy

2 Based on presentation by:
Michele Jersak, Counselor at Century College and MnSCU GPS LifePlan Coordinator Randy LaFoy, GPS LifePlan Media and eFolio Coordinator Century College Josette Koets, FACS Instructor Stillwater Area High School & Oak-Land Jr.High Carolyn Sorenson, Instructor Stillwater Area High School Adriana Galvan, Bilingual Instructor Guadalupe Alternative Programs School Linda Engstrom, GPS LifePlan Intern Michele and Shelli

3 GPS LifePlan helps learners look at several aspects of their lives (career, education, finance, leadership, and personal) to create an action plan and help them achieve their goals. Michele 12/6/2018

4 Brief History College Version Military Version WorkForce & Secondary
Developed at Century College in 2006 – used by over 20 institutions in MN State Colleges and Universities beginning 2007 Military Version Developed in Partnership with MnSCU, the MN National Guard and the MN Department of Veterans Affairs in 2009 WorkForce & Secondary Developed in Partnership with Century College, the MnSCU system, MN Dept. of Education, Dept. of Employment and Economic Development, MN WorkForce Centers, Adult Basic Education, various high schools, Girls Scouts, and Junior Achievement, launched in 2011. Michele

5 Faculty and staff online database of lesson plans
Program Components Website Resources eFolio Faculty and staff online database of lesson plans Additional resources for family/students in secondary Online Tutorials and Workshops eFolio Login Horizontal tabs get you in to each of the 5 main content areas of the GPS LifePlan. Michele– Emphasize the way that we have worked to parallel the college version and then talk about some of the difference (which are listed here and demonstrated in the following slides). Additional resources for faculty/staff.

6 Learn About Yourself - Interests - Skills - Work Values - Personality
Career Topic Areas Learn About Yourself - Interests - Skills - Work Values - Personality Explore Careers Links to Education SMART Goal Setting Find a Job - Resumes Cover Letters Get a Job - Job Postings - Interviewing Michele - The content areas This follows the career development model and each area is designed as modules for each stage of the career and life-planning process. This is a great place to also show the additional navigation: Left-hand menu: to dig deeper into each on the topics – like chapter headings. Center Area: The core content – like the pages in a chapter Right-hand top: Online tutorials and workshops – they stay visible while the user is in each subplan. Right-hand bottom: Fun interactive – they stay visible while the user is in each subplan. eFolio Resources: Includes information about the importance of using an eFolio and samples (Learn More), another link to the login page (Log into My eFolio), and online video tutorials for setting up an eFolio account, adding content and developing one’s eFolio further (GPS eFolio FAQs). The arrow will then transition into the next slide to show a little deeper dig into the content.

7 Michele: These are examples of the resources that GPS LifePlan links to. We try to stick with .edu, .gov, .org as much as possible. On occasion we use a .com if it fits the mission of our work. We use Career Clusters and language used by the Perkins program

8 Create an Education Plan
Education Topic Areas Create an Education Plan Timeline and Actions for Graduations Build Basic Skills Study Strategies Learning Styles Prepare for College Michele: The next slide will dig a bit deeper into the content.

9 Michele: The Create of Plan also links back to the Timeline for Graduation and Prepare for College. The writeable PDF is an example of worksheets that are in the timeline that reflect the actions recommended for college readiness from Dr. Litecky’s (was our president at the time) sabbatical work he did on college readiness. The Finding a Job and Work is an example where we re-emphasize the importance of education for earning income.

10 Michele: The Create of Plan also links back to the Timeline for Graduation and Prepare for College. The writeable PDF is an example of worksheets that are in the timeline that reflect the actions recommended for college readiness from Dr. Litecky’s (was our president at the time) sabbatical work he did on college readiness. The Finding a Job and Work is an example where we re-emphasize the importance of education for earning income.

11 Michele MnSCU Single Search

12 Credit and Debt Management
Finance Topic Areas Budget Financing Education - Financial Aid - Scholarships - Savings Plan - Tax-Related Benefits Credit and Debt Management Avoid Getting Ripped Off (Identity Theft) Saving for the Future Michele – will move into the next slide that will show budget resources.


14 Michele: Connecting students to resources to finance their education

15 Leadership Topic Areas
School and Community Involvement Leadership Resources Developing Global Competencies Who Are You as a Leader? Michele: Emphasize the leadership resources and that feedback from students during usability was that they were very happy to see the leadership and personal aspects on a planning tool – they have not seen that before.


17 Michele: Can be used for students involved in campus organizations.

18 Stay Healthy - Stress Management
Personal Topic Areas Stay Healthy - Stress Management - Physical Health - Mental Health Relationships Seek Help When Needed - Links back to career and education - Food Assistance - Transportation - Housing & More Goal Setting Workshop Crisis Help Randy: Emphasize that students during the usability testing loved the games and the comment on the importance of the content that they saw in this area. They were very fast in finding the information that they needed to complete the tasks.

19 Michele: Talk about the great websites out there that the government and organizations have made for teens and the Secondary GPS LifePlan helped bring them together for the student to better find what they need when they need it.

20 Michele: Here is an example of a game – “My Paper Boyfriend” – you can pick hair and skin color as well as outfit and choose a name. There is an example of a question asked during a

21 GPS LifePlan eFolio eFolio Features
Provides a virtual three-ring binder Allows more ownership for the student Password protected and feedback function Can be shaped & polished for use beyond college experience Michele: Here is an example of a college student who has given permission to showcase her eFolio. Students who are under the age of 18 will have sites that are automatically private without the option to make it public. Students 18 and over can choose to make their site public.

22 Example of showcasing course projects and works
Example of showcasing course projects and works. The work a student does across their college experience becomes part of their GPS LifePlan eFolio.


24 What eFolio looks like on the administrative side
What eFolio looks like on the administrative side. The GPS LifePlan version has a built-in to-do list to guide students on the steps toward completion.

25 Using the GPS LifePlan White Bear Area Learning Center
Held training during a teacher workshop day to let teachers explore the resources and activities on the website more An economics teacher uses the budget planning information for student work. Introduced the program to students in our Transition Class (new students coming into the ALC) Karen

26 Using the GPS LifePlan (cont.) White Bear Area Learning Center
The Independent Study Class (students past their graduation year and finishing toward a diploma) take the online goal setting workshop; student set short and long term goals. Included activities in the portfolio project check list that students will be loading onto their efolio upon completion. Karen

27 Michele: This is the online faculty resources database where faculty share lesson plans and activities using the GPS LifePlan. Northwest Technical College had worked with some of their high schools to develop lesson plans using the college GPS LifePlan a couple years ago. We are now working with pilot high schools to further develop secondary lesson plans.

28 Scenario 1 – Steven C. Situational Educational and Career
Academics: Very successful academically Location: Suburban Twin Cities Age: 18 (Senior) Parents: Upper Middle Class, can afford some help, but not too much for college Situational Leaving home for the first time Determine resources to finance education Through combination of PSEO and AP, student has passed all Associate in Arts Gen Ed Very shy and introspective – thinking about getting involved Not focused and does not know what he wants to do with his life Educational and Career Assess how his interests, values, skills, and personality align with career options Hoping to work part-time on campus Research which education programs/classes prepare him for transferring after his Associate in Arts degree Determine how previous college credits will transfer toward his bachelor degree

29 Scenario 2 – Jake K. Situational Educational and Career
Academics: Has NOT been successful, struggles Location: Urban Metropolitan Area Age: 17 (Junior) Parents: Blue collar - cannot afford to pay for college Situational Has daughter, but mother has custody Has not done well at school. Will need classes to meet basic skills (developmental) Thinking about entering the military, but unsure of what he wants to do Wants to get out of his house as soon as possible, but does not have any money Has held part-time labor jobs Educational and Career Investigate what and where are the job opportunities are close to home Explore educational programs related to what the military might require Will struggle with his academics, needs to learn more about academic support, learning styles, and study skills Would like to continue to stay fit, but lacks the motivation to do so

30 Scenario 3 – Maddie M. Educational and Career Academics: Average
Location: Rural Age: 16 (Sophomore) Parents: Upper Middle Class but parents recently lost their jobs Situational Has many questions about relationships Struggles with an eating disorder Parents financial situation has changed and so she needs to find a PT job Has done volunteer work, but has not worked as an employee Educational and Career Thinking about dental assistance program Decide which classes to take; what are the program requirements. Struggles with test anxiety and is has a learning disability – needs to explore strategies

31 The project coordinator keeps track of project details on this project site. You can view secondary information here as well as see all of the colleges and universities who currently uses the GPS LifePlan.

32 GPS LifePlan Awards Innovations in Student Development Award for the GPS LifePlan.

33 Thank you for your participation!
Want to learn more? Contact: Michele Jersak or Randy LaFoy or

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