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Character Incidents facts Places and things Mixed review $100 $100

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Presentation on theme: "Character Incidents facts Places and things Mixed review $100 $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Character Incidents facts Places and things Mixed review $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

2 Her real name is Magdelena
Characters Her real name is Magdelena

3 Characters - $100 Who is Nenny

4 Steals a Cadillac and gets caught
Characters - $200 Steals a Cadillac and gets caught

5 Characters - $200 Who is Louie’s Cousin

6 Characters - $300 Brothers of Esperanza

7 Characters - $300 Who are Kiki and Carlos

8 Is killed when he tries to “fly” of a garage roof
Characters - $400 Is killed when he tries to “fly” of a garage roof

9 Characters - $400 Who is Angel Vargas?

10 Gets Esperanza her first job
Characters - $500 Gets Esperanza her first job

11 Characters - $500 Who is Aunt Lala

12 Rachael and Lucy ask Esperanza for five dollars so they can do this.
Incidents - $100 Rachael and Lucy ask Esperanza for five dollars so they can do this.

13 What is buy a bicycle from Tito
Incidents - $100 What is buy a bicycle from Tito

14 Dies on the same day the girls make fun of her
Incidents - $200 Dies on the same day the girls make fun of her

15 Who is Aunt Guadalupe or Aunt Lupe
Incidents - $200 Who is Aunt Guadalupe or Aunt Lupe

16 What Esperanza buys at Gil’s Furniture New and Used
Incidents DQ - $300 What Esperanza buys at Gil’s Furniture New and Used

17 What is a Statue of Liberty figure
Incidents - $300 What is a Statue of Liberty figure

18 Sister Superior lets Esperanza do this “Just for today”.
Incidents - $400 Sister Superior lets Esperanza do this “Just for today”.

19 What is eat in the canteen
Incidents - $400 What is eat in the canteen

20 This happens to Marin a year after Esperanza meets her
Incidents - $500 This happens to Marin a year after Esperanza meets her

21 What is she is sent back to Puerto Rico
Incidents - $500 What is she is sent back to Puerto Rico

22 I Am- $100 We got a new house and I don’t really like it. Papa says it’s temporary

23 I Am - $100 Esperanza

24 I make Esperanza feel better at the Christening party
I Am - $200 I make Esperanza feel better at the Christening party

25 I Am - $200 Who is Uncle Nacho

26 I Am - $300 I like to scare the girls and chase them. I also like to look at clouds.

27 I Am - $300 Who is Darius

28 I Am - $400 I have so many children that I have given up trying to make them behave.

29 I Am - $400 Who is Rosa Vargas?

30 I Am - $500 I wanted Rachel to kiss me. I offered her a dollar, but Lucy and Esperanza made her leave!

31 I Am - $500 Who is the drunken bum?

32 The City where The House On Mango Street takes place.
Remember this? - $100 The City where The House On Mango Street takes place.

33 Remember this?- $100 What is Chicago

34 Remember this? - $200 Alicia had to get up with the tortilla star in the morning, and did this at night.

35 Remember this? - $200 What is goes to college

36 Remember this? - $300 The author of the story

37 Remember this? - $300 Who is Sandra Cisneros

38 The metaphor Esperanza uses for hips
Remember this? - $400 The metaphor Esperanza uses for hips

39 What is a new Buick with the Keys in the ignition?
Remember this?- $400 What is a new Buick with the Keys in the ignition?

40 Remember this? - $500 Esperanza wakes up to find her father sitting on her bed. He is there to tell her this.

41 What is her grandfather is dead?
Remember this? - $500 What is her grandfather is dead?

42 Where Esperanza waited for Sally at the carnival..
Mixed Review- $100 Where Esperanza waited for Sally at the carnival..

43 What is by the Tilt-A-Whirl
Mixed Review - $100 What is by the Tilt-A-Whirl

44 He steals car and gets caught.
Mixed Review - $200 He steals car and gets caught.

45 Mixed Review - $200 Who is Louie’s Cousin?

46 Said she quit school because she did not have nice clothes.
Mixed Review - $300 Said she quit school because she did not have nice clothes.

47 Who is Esperanza’s mother?
Mixed Review - $300 Who is Esperanza’s mother?

48 Married a marshmallow salesman
Mixed Review - $400 Married a marshmallow salesman

49 Mixed Review - $400 Who is Sally

50 Does not know how to tie her own shoes
Mixed Review - $500 Does not know how to tie her own shoes

51 Who is Tito’s girlfriend?
Mixed Review- $500 Who is Tito’s girlfriend?

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