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1 Dragan RIBARIĆ, Gordan JELENIĆ
Linked Interpolation in Higher-Order Triangular Mindlin Plate Finite Elements Dragan RIBARIĆ, Gordan JELENIĆ University of Rijeka, Civil Engineering Faculty, Rijeka, Croatia m

2 Outline Motivation: Linked interpolation for straight thick beams (Timoshenko beam) Generalisation to the 2D problem of thick plates (Mindlin theory of moderately thick plates). Triangular elements with 3, 6 and 10 nodes Comparable elements from literature The patch test Test examples Application on facet shell elements Conclusions

3 1. Linked interpolation for thick beams
(Bernoulli’s limiting case for thin beams ) Timoshenko theory of beams: - hypothesis of planar cross sections after the deformation (Bernoulli), - but not necessarily perpendicular to the centroidal axis of the deformed beam: w is lateral displacement with respect to arc-length co-ordinate x. w’ is its derivative respect x q is the rotation of a cross section - constitutive equations: and - combined with equilibrium equations give: and - differential equations to solve are: and

4 1. Linked interpolation for thick beams
General solution for Timoshenko’s equations: For polynomial loading of n-4 order the following interpolation completely reproduces the above exact results L - beam length, wi , θi - node displacements and rotations (equidistant) Inj – Lagrangian polynomials of n-1 order

5 2. Linked interpolation for thick plates
Mindlin theory of moderately thick plates Kinematics of the plate gives relations for curvature vector and shear strain vector

6 2. Linked interpolation for thick plates
Stress resultants can be derived by integration over thickness of the plate and constitutive relations are or in matrix form: M = Db K S = Ds G Equilibrium conditions (will not be used in the strong form):

7 2. Linked interpolation for thick plates
From the stationarity condition on the functional of the total potential energy, a system of algebraic equations is derived: fw, fq and fb are the terms due to load and boundary conditions. Of all the blocks in the stiffness matrix only one depends on the bending strain energy and all others are derived from the shear strain energy: Internal bubble parameter wbk will be condensed

8 2. Linked interpolation for thick plates
2.1 Triangular plate element with three nodes Interpolation functions: for displacement and rotations Area coordinates of an interior point The transverse displacement interpolation is a complete quadratic polynomial and The rotations are linear The interpolations are conforming

9 2. Linked interpolation for thick plates
2.2 Triangular plate element with six nodes Interpolation functions: for displacement for rotations The transverse displacement interpolation is a complete cubic polynomial The rotations are quadratic The interpolations are conforming

10 2. Linked interpolation for thick plates.
2.3 Triangular plate element with ten nodes Interpolation functions: for displacement The transverse displacement interpolation is a complete cuartic polynomial (15 terms from Pascal’s triangle). The third term that appears to be missing in expression to complete the cyclic triangle symmetry, namely is actually linearly dependent on the two other added terms and the 10th term in w.

11 2. Linked interpolation for thick plates.
2.3 Triangular plate element with ten nodes Interpolation functions: for rotations The rotations are complete cubic polynomials. All interpolations are conforming.

12 2. Linked interpolation for thick plates – elements from literature
2.4 MIN3 - Triangular plate element with three nodes (Tessler, Hughes, 1985.) Is derived to have linear shear expression in every direction crossing the element. Interpolation functions: for i=1,2,3 The interpolation for MIN3 is transformed T6-U3 interpolation.

13 2. Linked interpolation for thick plates – elements from literature
2.5 MIN6 –triangular plate element with six nodes (Liu, Riggs, 2005) Is derived to have linear shear expression in every direction crossing the element. Interpolation functions: for i=1,2,…6 for i=1,2,3 for i=4,5,6 The rigid body mode conditions should be satisfied for functions N, L and M: Liu–Riggs interpolation for MIN6 should coincide with the T6-U3 interpolation, if for wb is taken:

14 4. Test examples: clamped square plate
For T3-U2: Mx along x and y axes is constant for any value of ν. For higher order elements: Mx along x and y axes is a function proportional to higher order Clamped square plate uniformly loaded – Mx distribution along the centreline (y=0) obtained with 4x4 mesh for one quarter of the plate

15 4. Test examples: clamped square plate
Table 3: Clamped square plate: displacement and moment at the centre using mesh pattern b), L/h = 1000. Element T3-U2 = MIN3 T6-U3 T10-U4 mesh w* M* 1x1 2x2 4x4 8x8 16x16 32x32 64x64 Ref. sol. [11] T3-U2 3-node plate element with linked interpolation T6-U3 6-node plate element with linked interpolationm T10-U4 10-node plate element with linked interpolationm T3BL and T3-LIM Auricchio-Taylor mixed plate element (FEAP) MIN6 Liu-Riggs 6 node plate element Element T3-LIM (using FEAP) MIN6 T3BL [12 ] mesh w* M* 1x1 2x2 1.735 4x4 2.209 8x8 2.275 16x16 2.287 32x32 2.290 64x64 Ref. sol. [11] The dimensionless results w*= w / (qL4/100D) and M*=M / (qL²/100)

16 5. Test examples: simply supported skew plate
Element T3-U2 =MIN3 T6-U3 T10-U4 mesh w* M22* M11* 2x2 4x4 8x8 12x12 16x16 24x24 32x32 48x48 Ref. [31] 0.423 E=10.92, L=100. n=0.30, h=1.0, q=1.0 T3-U2 3-node plate element with linked interpolation T6-U3 6-node plate element with linked interpolation T10-U4 10-node plate element with linked interpolation T3-LIM Auricchio-Taylor mixed plate element (FEAP) MIN6 Liu-Riggs element with linear shear Elementm T3-LIM [27 ] MIN6 mesh w* M22* M11* 2x2 0.9207 1.7827 4x4 1.0376 1.8532 8x8 1.1008 1.9247 12x12 16x16 1.1233 1.9376 24x24 32x32 1.1284 1.9344 48x48 Ref. [31] 0.423 Table 6: Simply supported skew plate (SS1): displacement and moment at the centre with regular meshes, L/h = 100 w*= w / (qL4/10000D) M*=M / (qL²/100) with D=Eh³/(12(1-ν²)) and L is a span

17 4. Test examples: simply supported skew plate
Element T3-U2 = MIN3 T6-U3 T10-U4 mesh w* M22* M11* 2x2 4x4 8x8 12x12 16x16 24x24 32x32 48x48 Ref. [36] 0.4080 1.08 1.91 E=10.92, L=100. n=0.30, h=0.1, q=1.0 T3-U2 3-node plate element with linked interpolation T6-U3 6-node plate element with linked interpolationm T10-U4 10-node plate element with linked interpolationm MIN6 Liu-Riggs element with linear shear Element D.o.f. MIN6 mesh w* M22* M11* 2x2 59 4x4 211 8x8 803 12x12 1779 16x16 3139 24x24 7011 32x32 48x48 Ref. [36] 0.4080 1.08 1.91 Table 7: Simply supported skew plate (SS1): displacement and moment at the centre with regular meshes, L/h = 1000 w*= w / (qL4/10000D) M*=M / (qL²/100) with D=Eh³/(12(1-ν²)) and L is a span [36] L.S.D. Morley, Bending of simply supported rhombic plate under uniform normal loading, Quart. Journ. Mech. and Applied Math. Vol. 15, , 1962.

18 4. Test examples: simply supported skew plate
Figure 19: Simply supported skew plate under uniform load – b) principal moment in D-C-E direction (M22) distribution along diagonal A-C - a) perpendicular principal moment (M11) distribution along diagonal A-C

19 5. Application on shells Basic triangular elements T3U2, T6U3 and T10U4 can be applied on facet shell elements to approximate folded plate structures and shells. Inplane stiffness is added to the transverse stiffness of the element Straight element sides insure constant shear along the element

20 5. Example of a folded plate structure
Table 8: Vertical and horizontal displacements at the control points of the folded plate structure (one quarter of the model) T3-U2 T6-U3 T10-U4 Mesh wc we M8 M1 Q4-U2 SHELL from FEAP Mesh wc we M8 M1

21 7. Conclusions A family of linked interpolation functions for straight Timoshenko beam is generalized to 2D plate problem of solving Mindlin equations for moderately thick plates Resulting solutions are just approximations to the true solution problem unlike straight Timoshenko beam where exact solution is achieved Displacement field and rotational field for plate behavior are interdependent . Only first derivatives are needed The bubble term for the displacement field (not present in beam element) is important for satisfying standard patch tests, especially for higher order elements and higher order patch tests. Linked interpolation formulations for 3-node thick plate elements, often combined with additional internal degrees of freedom, were proposed earlier in the literature. Here we propose a structured family of thick plate elements based on the interpolation of just displacements and rotations (displacement based approach). They are reasonably competitive to the elements based on mixed approaches in designing thick and thin plates and folded plate structures. In the limiting case of thin plates, depending on type of loading, low order elements exhibit locking due to inadequate shear interpolation and they require denser meshes to completely overcome this effect.

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